Nico Di Angelo Doesn't Blush

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Creds to whoever made the picture on the side.

Dedication to dalexterminated even though she still haven't updated Find. 😒

I open the door of the Hades cabin, leaving some space for Will to get in first. I trail behind him a bit uneasily, not sure of how his reaction will be.

"So?" I ask sitting down on my coffin, also known as a bed. Hazel's sheet is still hanging on the wall to give her privacy and I am going to leave it there, even though she went to New Rome with Frank.

"Well... Eh I- hmm... It's ehh nice? I think it really ...matches your personality?" Will says more like questions and I laugh loudly "I told you!" I say and he shrugs.

"Maybe I could help you paint the walls and change the coffin beds for some actual ones on IKEA or something." Will suggests and I nod "Sure. That would be cool"

If I stay at the camp, though.

I mentally add.

He walks around the cabin for a bit, looking at everything with curious eyes until he stops where my Mythomagic miniatures and cards are. "What exactly is that?" He asks with an amused expression while he takes Apollo in his hands and examines it. "Mythomagic. I like them." I answer shrugging and look down at my lap.

"And what do you do with them, death boy?" Will asks actually seeming interested.
"It's a game where you have to collect cards and miniatures of magical creatures of the Greek mythology and they have certain abilities. It's a bit hard to explain the rules, but it's basically that. Some Romans collect that too! Like Frank. And that's why when I meet a mythological creature I usually make a comment about their abilities." I ramble and Will stands in front of me with crossed arms.
Oh Gods! I shouldn't have said all that! He might think that I'm a dork right now.

"I'm sorry" I quickly mutter an apology and fidget with my oversized hoodie. "For what?" He asks. The amusement clear in his voice as Will sits beside me. "For being a nerd and rambling." I'm still not looking at him. I hear Will sigh and the bed shifts a bit. Will takes my chin, making me face him.

"You're so cute, Death Boy." He says chuckling and giving me a light peck on the lips. "I'm not!" I protest blushing slightly. "You are. You're even blushing!" He points out and I roll my eyes.

"Pfff of course not. Nico Di Angelo doesn't blush." I wave my hand dismissively "Oh, of course not!" Will says sarcastically and I say him on the forearm "Whatever, Sunshine." I mutter and he laughs loudly.
"Come here, Death Boy." He opens his arms and I melt into his embrace willingly. He wraps his arms around me, so I'm on his lap. One of my legs on each of his sides and I rest my head on the crook of his neck. We stay like this for a few minutes in a comfortable silence until Will breaks it.

"Do you promise to come and visit me at the infirmary at least once a day? Y'know for medical reasons, of course." He adds the last part and I chuckle "I'll see, Sunshine. I have to look at my schedule first. But if it is for medical reasons I can make an exception" I answer winking and he smirks "Oh yeah! You're such a busy boy."

"Maybe you could look in that schedule of yours if you have any free time so we could go on a picnic or something." He trails off and I grin "Are you asking me out, Sunshine?" I ask and he shrugs. "It depends on what your answer is going to be."

For the first time, Will looks nervous. He is biting down on his bottom lip harshly and playing with his hands as he looks at me expectantly.

The question is: am I ready to go out with Will? One date wouldn't hurt, would it? Even if I'm a son of Hades and plan on leaving the camp. Maybe Will could help. But there's also the fact that I think that I need to sort out my problems first before I enter a relationship, especially since I don't know how it works.

Even if the boy is as charming, cute, thoughtful, funny, happy-go-lucky (the opposite of what I am), handsome, friendly, always kind, who loves helping the others and, let's be honest, Will is really hot, and not only because he is a son of Apollo.

I wonder why Will even likes me. I'm taking these whole argument inside my head while he is waiting for my answer.

Well then...

A.N.: Hi everyone!! So I got 1k readers! YAY!! Thank you guys so so so much! Please don't forget to vote and comment what you think! ;)
What do you think Nico's answer should be?
Also did you know that Mythomagic actually exists? Because I didn't.

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