My Christmas Gift For You

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A.N.: Because it is Christmas Eve, I felt like writing a small Solangelo one shot in here, that doesn't even have anything to do with Christmas, buuut it doesn't matter.
This is my gift for you guys!
Hope you like it ;)


I am woken up in the middle of the night by a loud explosion. I run out of the Hades cabin as fast as I can, grabbing my sword on the way. When I get out, my face falls.

Camp Half Blood is on fire, well, what lasted after the war at least.

Monsters are everywhere attacking campers. Children are crying, especially the ones who were taken by surprise while sleeping. Everyone is going crazy. How, in the name of Hades is happening? Didn't we just win the war?

I can't help but worry about Will, my sunshine. Where could he be? I need to make sure he is alright. I know he is strong and a good fighter, but I can't even bear the thought of having him hurt.

I run around, to the nearest monsters, stabbing them with my sword and helping whoever seems to need a hand.

After a long while of fighting and lots of injured demigods, the monsters are finally out. I limp around the camp, searching for Will. I haven't seen him all this time and I start to worry. I don't care about how hurt I am, I need to find Will.

I go to Apollo's cabin, that is all destroyed by the fire and seeing no one, I head to the infirmary. Maybe he is there trying to help curing others, bossing everyone around and repeating 'Doctor's orders' whenever a patient complains. I smile at this thought. It just sounds so much like something my Sunshine would be doing. Just like he did to me a few months ago.

Just as I open the door to the infirmary I see a circle of healers moving around one person, trying to save them. I take a step closer, hoping to see who it is.

"I'm so sorry, Nico." A girl, that I recognise as Will's sister says to me, trying to hold back tears.


Am I dreaming?

This can't be real!

I make my way through the crowd of people and see, laying numbly right in the middle of them, my Sunshine. I take one step closer to him before falling on my knees. I take his hands on mine, squeezing it lightly, trying to get a response from him, but nothing comes. I put my other hand on his chest, but I can't feel his heartbeat any longer.

Will's face is all injured, just as his arms and legs, I curve around his body, hugging him as tight as I can. I don't care how many people are watching me right now, I don't care about anything else in the world, Will is not here anymore. I can see death coming and I whisper with all that I have, praying to Hades.

"Please, Father. Please! Don't take my Sunshine away."

Love you! Bye Xx

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