You are no brother of mine

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I am drowning. Darkness sorounds me, making it impossible to see anything. I can feel myself falling as I desperately move my body in order to find something to hold on to. But there's nothing. I open my mouth to scream, however, as soon as I do the action my lungs are filled with sulfur. My insides start to burn as the gas fulfils my body. I put my hands on my throat, trying desperately to get rid of this burning sensation. I try breathing again, but it feels like there's no more air.... Just emptiness.

Out of nowhere I see a small bit of light in front of my eyes. I try reaching it, but I can't move myself anymore. The light gets brighter and brighter by the time and I have to half close my eyes. The light evolts me and I start falling again before I hit something hard.

I get up, finally able to breath again, even though the air is extremely hot. I look around and realise. I'm back to Tartarus. I sigh and begin walking in some random direction. I'll have to experience all this for the second time and alone. It could have been much easier if I had with me someone who I cared about. Like Percy and Annabeth had each other.

But you are destined to be alone

I hear a voice say and I look around. There's nothing around me. Maybe it's just my head playing tricks with me. I shrug and continue walking.

No one would ever want to be with you.

I hear again and I stop in my tracks. I know that voice. Hazel.

True. Who would like a freak like him?

Another voice, Reyna. I keep quiet and continue walking. I need to get out of here, and fast. When I'm about 500 meters (idk how many miles that is) two figures stand right in front of me. I look up to see them staring at me with a disgusted face.

"Hazel, you're my sister. What are you doing?" I ask with a shaking voice. Hazel is the only person I love in this world. I can't afford to lose her too.

"I'm no sister of yours. At least not of a fag like you." she says. Her words cut like knives. I feel weak on my knees and let myself fall on the ground. "Hazel." I barely whisper and hear Reyna's laugh. "Pathetic." she spits those words and I cringe.

"Hey, girls. What are you doing?" Jason asks coming from behind me, maybe he could help. "Just having fun with.. this" Reyna answers and Jason rolls his eyes, chuckling. "Why would we waste our time with him. Let him just die sad and alone. We have better things to do. Orrr we could enjoy ourselves while making him see what a useless unworthy piece of shit he is" I never thought this words would come out of Jason's mouth. I know I am. I don't need them to remind me of this.

"And he thinks that Solace may like him back someday." Hazel states and the others laugh. "Maybe we should bring him here" Reyna suggests and the others nod. "Hey, Death Boy." I turn to my right side and see Will standing there with a grin plastered on his face, he looks as beautiful as ever. He is coming near me holding something.. It's a sword. No no no no.

"NO!" I scream as loud as I can and hear the others laughing. "WILL NO!" I scream again.

Death boy.

"NO NO NO" I scream again.

C'mon death boy

It's okay death boy. I've got you.

I open my eyes feeling someone shake my body vigorously, Will. I'm covered in cold sweat and I can feel the tears on my cheeks. "Gods! Are you okay?" He asks scooting away as I sit up and I simply nod. "How long have I been asleep for?" It surely felt like eternity for me.

"Almost 15 hours. I didn't want to wake you up, but you were shaking so much and screaming..." he trail off. Good, now he probably thinks that I'm a weirdo. I sigh and rest my head on my hands.

"What was your dream about?" Will asks and I look at him. I decided to just tell him already. "I-I was back in Tartarus." I start stuttering a bit. I tell him every thing. Even the part when Hazel called me a fag and said that I wasn't her brother. No, I didn't cry. I remain with an expresionless face the whole time. He saw enough of my emotions today and I'm not going to let him see anymore of it.

"I'm so sorry, Death Boy." Will wraps me in his arms and rocks us back and forth. I burry my head on his chest. "I'd never do this to you. Neither would Hazel, Jason and Reayna." He starts playing with my head and I hum, nodding my head. "I know, Sunshine." I whisper. Honestly, I don't want to think about that anymore, I just want to enjoy this moment with Will. Everything feels so paceful.

"Death boy." Will says after a while and I look at him with questioning eyes. "Are you gay?" he asks with no expression and I panic.

Should I tell him the truth? I ask myself. I told him Hazel called me a fag on my dream, so maybe he just wants to confirm. Well I'm going to tell him. The worst he can do is to feel disgusted and starts hating me. But I'm leaving Camp Half Blood, so it doesn't really matter. I already told Annabeth and Percy anyways, so what would be the matter if I told Will to?

That's when I realise he is still waiting for an answer...

A.N.: Hey! Thanks for reading this story, it means a lot to me. Please don't forget to vote and comment! I love to read your comments, so I know how I can improve my writing! xx

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