Why would anyone want to eat with the freaky son of Hades?

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Thanks to my sister bellabellan for making this ^^ You're amazing (only sometimes, tho (; )

A.N.: OMG!! I got over a 100 readers!!! YAY!!! Thank you so much for reading this fanfic! You guys made me really happy!!


I stop abruptly and feel myself falling due to the action. "Whoa! Are you okay Death boy?" Will grabs me with one arm before I can hit the ground. "I'm fine." I whisper still looking at the ground, fully aware that their gazes are shamelessly on us.

"Let's go eat." Will says opening a door for me to enter. Such a gentleman. It's a small room with a huge table on the centre, where a lot of healers are sat eating. I never thought this would exist, but now that I think of it, you can't expect all the healers to leave the infirmary to have dinner and leave the patients here all by themselves.

"Hey!" Will exclaims behind me and sets the tray with our food on the table. He recieves a bunch of hi's and hello's by some of them while others just stared at us and nodded, acknowledging our presence, then going back to their conversations.

"Take a sit, Death Boy." Will says sitting down while I just awkwardly stand there. I slightly nod and sit beside him. "Wow. That's just way too much food, Sunshine." I say taking a plate (no, this are not the magical plates) from him. "You need to eat more. You are really skinny, Death boy." Will winks at me laughing.

I suddenly feel self concious. Why do I keep overthinking every single thing Will says or does? I eat half of my food in silence while Will talks loudly to his siblings. "Uh, can I ask you a question?" a boy that I don't know the name asks and Will nods "Sure." He is so kind to everyone, it amazes me how someone can be like that.

"Why is the boy here?" he asks pointing at me probably thinking that I wasn't listening, or he is just an idiot. "What do you mean, Sam?" Will frowns. Now I know the idiot has a name: Sam. "Well, I don't want to be eating with the freaky son of Hades and I'm pretty sure no one else here does either." he explains and I sigh. Yeah, he's an idiot.

"Then, you're not eating with me either." Will answers keeping calm. He just gets up from his chair and takes my hand. I get up too and we leave confused healers behind.

I can't say much. I'm confused too. Why would Will leave his brothers and sisters for me? It's not like I'm good company, as Sam said 'no one wants to eat with the freaky Hades' son' aka me.

Maybe he also has a crush on you.

A voice rings on my head and I smile at the thought. Could it be possile? Someone like Will to like me? Nah, no way. I quickly brush the thought away from my head and try to concentrate in anything but Will's hand that is still holding mine.

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