You Look Like A Kitten

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"Hey, Death Boy!" Will exclaims, walking into the infirmary room a few hours later and, during that time, I managed to rest and sleep as much as I could. "Hi, Sunshine." I answer sheepishly and watch as Will's mouth forms into a grin.

"Y'know, you look like a kitten laying like that." He says holding back a chuckle as I glare at him. "Sorry, Death Boy... But it's true, though." He says winking at me and I roll my eyes, not uttering a word. "Anyways, I have good news to tell you!" Will exclaims while jumping on the bed next to me.

"What is it?" I ask moving a bit, so I lay my head on Will's lap. "Well, firstly you may go back to your cabin today, so you don't have to stay here anymore. The bad part, you will still have to deal with me every day whether you are sick or not." Will explains looking down at me with a cute sweet smile on his lips. Honestly, I can't see the bad part in it, seeing Will every day sounds amazing to me and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Wow! That's really really bad, I don't know if I can ever overcome it." I answer, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "You see Death Boy, you will always need a light to all this darkness." Will says and I look deeply into his eyes, watching as they seem to shine even more. "And are you willing to be my light, Sunshine?" I ask raising an eyebrow, but letting a smirk appear on my lips. "Only if you want me to." Will whispers while getting down and lightly pressing his soft pink lips onto mine. "I would love to." I answer on the same tone as he pulls away. "Good." Is all that he answers before crashing his lips into mine again, this time in a more passionate kiss, not as soft as the last one, and I let myself get lost on Will and on how he makes me feel.

Will Solace, the reason of all of my happiness, the only one that could make me smile whenever I was feeling down, the only one who could help me from myself. Even with all of my problems, depression, sadness, darkness, Will found a way to overcome all of it, to break down my walls and find the true me outside the hard though shell I built. He showed me that everyone can be loved and even during the hardest times, happiness can be found, only if one remembers that we are never alone, even when we seem to be. There is always going to be someone who cares. Loneliness is temporary and every one can find a person who will love them as much as they deserve to. That is why I love Will so much, he was always there for me. Even though he hurt me once, but I know it is likely to happen again, just as I know that I probably will hurt him. We are humans, nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes.

However, Will is perfect to me, even with all of his flaws and perfect imperfections. That is what makes him real, human and I love him just the way he is.

"Will?" I whisper when we pull away, both panting. "Yeah?" He asks, caressing my cheek with his thumb. "I l-" just as I am going to finally say these words and tell him how I truly feel, the door is forcefully open, making a really loud noise and I jump away from Will on instinct.

"NICO!" I hear her voice scream and I get up as fast as I can to get her into my arms. "Hazel." I breath out when I finally reached her, I hug my sister as tight as I can and she lays her head on my chest, letting a few silent tears fall from her eyes. "Don't cry" I whisper, to her and myself, I have cried enough this past days and I just want to forget about it sometimes. "I'm sorry." She says sniffing and wiping away a few tears.

"But NICO DI ANGELO! HOW DARE YOU (*molly's voice* STEAL THAT CAR) SCARE ME LIKE THAT?!" Hazel screams at me and I never saw her getting so angry at anything.

Oh, Hades! Please help me

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