Come Cuddle With Me Death Boy

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I wake up from a dreamless sleep, which kind of scares me, to be honest. I haven't had a good night of sleep in ages, at least not after Tartarus.

I feel something warm pressed on my back and on my side. Will. I can feel his breath tickling my neck.

"Will" I whisper turning around to face him. He stays still as I slightly shake his body. I can see the sun is already up through the curtains.

Wait. Will should be awake by now, being a son of Apollo and all. "I know you're awake, Sunshine." I say getting up from the bed and a smirk forms on his lips. "Dam!" He opens his eyes and sees me leaning on the wall with crossed arms.

"Come cuddle with me, Death Boy!" He says opening his arms and I roll my eyes "You have work to do, Will." I say and his eyes widen in realisation. "Oh, crap! They must be worried! I gotta go, Death Boy. I'll pass by later to check up on you and make sure you can go to your cabin." Will says getting up and kissing my cheek.

I blush and watch as he leaves the room with a bright smile on his face. I don't have anything to pack since Jason brought me only a pair of clothes, so I don't have anything to do.

I plop down on the bed thinking about Jason. I wonder how his date with Piper went. I hope they are finally together now, they would look cute together. I know that Piper can make Jason happy, and I want that, since he is the closest thing that I have as a best friend... Or only friend, whatever.

"HELLO, NEEKS!" Jason bursts into the room, making me jump. "Don't call me Neeks." I glare at him and he rolls his eyes chuckling. "Well since you couldn't get out of here, I thought about bringing everyone to you! But the guy over there didn't let all of us in, so it's just me and the boy who is not your type." Jason says closing the door and I smile.

"Thank you, but where's Percy?" I ask and Jason shrugs "I guess he got lost on the way. You know how Percy is..." He trails off and I nod.

"How was the date?" I ask breaking the awkward silence and Jason's face light up. "It was perfect! Everything went as well as I planned, now Pipes is officially my girlfriend!" Jason starts rambling about her.

"Hey!" I hear someone whisper-shout from the window and I open the curtains. "Percy?" I raise an eyebrow opening the window and he smiles at me while getting in the room helping Piper, Hazel and Annabeth in. Frank enters after them and closes the window.

"What the actual..." I trail off knowing that Hazel wouldn't like to hear me swearing. "What? I had to help them sneak in!" Percy says throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Don't worry, Nico. Me and Frank are here to say goodbye. We're leaving to New Rome today." Hazel says pulling me into a hug and I kiss her temple. "Be careful, okay?" I say and she nods "Take care of her or you will be dead meat." I turn to Frank and he awkwardly nods. I watch as they jump back out of the window and Hazel gives me one last wave.

I wish I could say goodbye to her without these people around. I feel so weird around them. Now it's only me and the two couples. Oh how great! They start talking about something I don't even bother listening to and I sit on the bed. Thinking about how I will never be like them or have what they have. It's on times like this that I remember that I am lonely and somewhat I wish Will was here with me.

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