My Death Boy

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No more delays! Will and Nico are finally going on that freaking date.

Warning: this chapter may contain a lot of fluffiness

I hear the door bell ring and I jump off of my bed. I take one last look at the mirror just to make sure that I look presentable. Meh, I'm good enough.

Sighing I open the door with shaky hands to reveal Will standing on my porch.

He looks...
Stunning, breath taking, perfect. Will is wearing a white V-neck that hugs his torso perfectly and, surprisingly, some skinny jeans that make his legs look longer than they already are.

"Hey, Death Boy!" Will says taking me away from my trance. "Hello Sunshine." I say sending him a small smile and he gives me a peck on the cheek. "You look amazing today." He whispers on my ear and I feel the blush creeping up on my cheeks. Oh! Not again!

I groan and shove Will off playfully as he laughs at my reaction. "Where are we going?" I ask changing the subject and Will smirks at me "You'll see." He winks at me and I glare at him. "Okay! I tried to make Quiron agree with me taking you out of the camp, but he said no. So we're just going to a picnic. I know it's not much, but he only let me get out of our cabins at night..." Will trails off scratching the back of his neck and I get on my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek. I actually get Quiron. I wouldn't let any campers go out of Camp Half Blood without supervision after the next few weeks, not that I have ever obeyed to that rule... He letting us be out at night is already a huge thing. Luckily, the harpies never were found of me, they always stay away. Even though I am not sure if they are still here after all.

"It seems perfect to me, Sunshine." I state. Will takes my hand on his bigger ones and I entwine our fingers together as he guides me through the dark camp towards the forest.

"Close you eyes!" Will says taking his hand away from mine only to wrap them around my eyes. "Is that really necessary?" I whine and I can hear Will's laugh from behind me. "Yup." he says and I groan. "What if I trip over a rock and fall?" I ask

"I'll catch you." He confidently answers. "And what if you fall?" I ask again. "Then I'll fall on you. Let's just hope that this doesn't happen or my Death Boy will be no longer with us." He chuckles and I laugh along as he guides me around, avoiding some trees that were on the way.

But I can't not think about what he said.
My Death Boy

"We're here!" Will exasperates taking me away from my thoughts and remove his hands from my face. I take a moment to adjust my eyes and take in everything that is in front of me.

Will and I are on top of a cliff. The view from up here is breth taking. I can see the waves breaking from up here and how the ocean looks beautiful under the moolight. There is also a blanket placed on the ground whith a basket on the middle and some candles lighting up the area. I cannot believe that someone would actually do something like that for me. It's nothing too fancy. It's just simple, cozy. A perfect date for me. Not that I have ever been to any others, but you got it.

"It's amazing, Sunshine." I turn to look at Will with a small smile on my face. "I'm glad that you like it." He answers in a light tone and wraps an arm around my waist, guiding me to the blanket, where we sit down in front of each other. "Now let's eat!" Will exclaims and I chuckle at his excitement. "What do we have?" I ask while Will takes the thing out of the basket. "Well, death boy... I brought some sandwiches. Chicken and ham, sine I didn't know which one you like the most. I also brought some fruits and, obviously, pomegranates." Will winks at me and I raise an eyebrow "How did you know?" I ask surprised and he just shrugs "I have my contacts.


After we are done eating I help Will gather what is left on the basket and blow the candles off (*smirk*). Then he lays down on the blanket and pats a spot next to him for me to lay. I slowly and awkwardly make my way towards him and sit down.

"Lay down, Death Boy." Will chuckles tugging at my hand and I do so. "They are beautiful, aren't they?" He asks and I look up. The sky really is beautiful today, the stars seem to be shining more and the full moon lights up the sky.

"Yeah" I breath out as Will searches for my hand. I turn my head to the size only to find Will already staring at me with a smile on his face.
"What?" I ask chuckling and he shakes his head slightly. "Nothing. I was just thinking..." He trails off "About?" I ask and his face come closer to mine. "You." He says, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer. "What about me?" My hands are tightly pressed on Will's chest, our lips almost touching "Hmm I think you'll never know..." He trails off pushing me down as our lips connect.

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