You Make Me Happy

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"I-i don't think I should, Will." I stutter bitting down on my lip. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I can't hurt Will and that seems to be the only thing I cause: sadness.

"Only one date, Death Boy. What is the harm on that?" Will asks me with puppy eyes and a sad smile that breaks my heart. "Why would you even wat to go out with me, Sunshine? You realise that wherever I go I always bring death, darkness and fear, right? No one likes me and there is a reason for that. You should just agree with them and get away from me already before I end up hurting you, badly." I frown lecturing Will. He shakes his head and cups my face with both hands.

"Never say that again, Nico Di Angelo! You have Hazel, Frank, Piper, Percy, Annabeth, Jason and Reyna. You have me! For Gods sake, Nico! I'll always be there for you. Now you ask me why would I even want to go out with someone like you, but, honestly, who wouldn't? I mean you are beautiful, honest, caring, thoughtful, smart and, I really don't know how, but you are always so kind, so polite to everyone."
Will pauses for a bit, looking into my eyes.

I am fully aware of the silent tears running down my face right now. I missed that, hearing from someone that they care, that you are wanted at least on some place.

"When I'm around you I feel something that I've never felt before. You make me happy, Death Boy. And I want you to let me try to make you feel the same." Will's jaw is contracted tightly, he wears a frown and his eyes are filled with so many different emotions that I can't make them out.

"Will I." I sigh and decide not to continue talking, instead I throw my hands over his shoulders and press my lips on his. Will seems shocked at first, but soon enough he is already kissing me back. It feels so good, so right to be in his arms. Maybe that's where I belong.

"Soooo, will you, Death Boy?" Will asks grinning when we pull away and I smile nodding "Yes, Sunshine. I'd love to go out with you."

Any thoughts on Nico?
Also I'm probably going to update more next week, bc I don't have classes.
Thanks again for reading and please don't forget to vote xx

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