It's .... White

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We walk into the infirmary together and I shiver. There are so many people here.

Sure, I knew that war causes a lot of people to be hurt, but I didnt realise how much damage this war caused.

I can sense Thanatos coming for some of these people. Will and his siblings won't be able to cure about one fifth of the patients. I don't know how I will be able to survive three days in this place.

"Are you okay, Death Boy?" Will asks taking me out of my thoughts. "Uh? Oh yeah." I say realising that I had stopped walking. "Let's get you to your room." Will says moving his hand to the small of my back, leading me to a secluded area of the infirmary.

"Soooo here's your room!" Will explains. He opens the door for me and I walk into the room. "What do you think?" He asks smiling and I look around the room. It's a small, simple room. There's a single bed in the middle and a wardrobe against the wall. "It's..." I start thinking about what to say "white." I finally conclude and Will's eyes widen.

"You don't like it? Oh Gods! I can change it for you, maybe bring some curtains and new furniture." Will starts rambling and pacing around the room. Seeing his worried expression I start to laugh. I can't recall the last time I really laughed. "No, Sunshine." I say squeezing his shoulder. "It's a good thing. Have you seen how they decorated the Hades' cabin? I swear people think that I'm a vampire!" I say with a smile on my face. That's a foreign feeling for me.

"Oh!" Will says, his mouth forming an 'o' shape and he nods. "Sorry, Death Boy." He says grinning and I give him a small smile. "It's fine." I whisper. I just realise that I am way too close to Will. I feel the warmth go to my cheeks.
What in the name of Hades? Am I blushing? I didn't even think that was possible.

Will grabs my chin and puts my head up, so I'm looking right into his eyes. His eyes are beautiful. They are so bright, a shade of blue that reminds me the sky on a beautiful cloudless summer day. And his whole face is gorgeous, not even Aphrodite could have made such a perfect boy like him. Will's gaze on me is intense, but I don't break eye contact. I see Will's lips part and his head bent down a bit. I purse my lips and my eyes flutter closed...

"NICO!" Someone screams opening the door and me and Will pull away quickly. I turn around and see Jason standing at the door with a bright smile on his face. "Jason." I acknowledge his presence a bit annoyed. "I came here to make you company!" He exclaims wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly.

I hear Will clear his throat. "I- I'm gonna go take care of the patients here." He says, looking everywhere else but at me. Then he rushes out of the room and slams the door behind him. "What's up with Will?" Jason asks as he sitis on the bed. I shrug in response.

"Where is Piper?" I ask, desperately thrying to change the subject. "With Annabeth. I'm going to take her on a date tomorrow." He says grinning "Oh. That's good. What are you planning to your date?" I ask him. So Jason tells me all of his plans for tomorrow. Gods, the guy is whipped.

A.N.: I hope you guys are liking it. Thank you so much for reading the story! And if you like the story, please don't forget to vote! And please comment what you think, so I can improve my writing! Xx

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