Goodnight, Sunshine

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I suddenly open my eyes as I shoot awake.

I am alive.

I look around and instantly recognise where I am. I'm at the infirmary of Camp Half Blood. The window on the side of the room is open and the cold wind blows into the room, making me shiver, even though, for some reason, I am warm. I try to get up from the bed and close it, but something is holding me in place. I look down and see an arm wrapped around my torso. How couldn't I have noticed, I couldn't feel warm when I'm so weak. I turn to my side and see Will laying next to me. Half of his face is smashed on the pillow, facing me and his hair is all over his face. I smile at the sight. He looks so cute and in peace that I give up on the thought of waking him up to close the windows.

I snuggle under the covers and as close to Will as possible without waking him up. I brush his hair to the side to take a better look at his face. Now that I see him and feel his presence, I realise how much I missed him, more than I thought I did. I missed his smile, his voice, his face, just his presence would make me feel better. However, my smile drops as soon as I take a better look at Will's face. He has dark bags under his eyes, he looks tired. I can see his tear-stained cheeks and even his skin looks pale. Was I the reason for all his suffering? Did he really care about me? Seeing Will in this state makes me feel so bad for wanting to die and leaving him. I want Will to be happy, because, even with all of his flaws, I do care about him. A lot. And I know I would do anything for him to be happy again.

I give Will a light kiss on the forehead, before cuddling up to him and laying my head down on his chest. "Goodnight, Sunshine." I whisper before falling into a dreamless sleep.

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