You Can't be Kind Of Gay Death Boy

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Dedicated to JacquelineChan3 because I like her

This media does not belong to me, so creds to the artist, as all the other medias.

A.N.: Thanks for reading this fanfiction! Please don't forget to vote if you like it. And comment what you think! I love getting feed back 😉


"Nico?" Will raises an eyebrow, taking my chin in his hand and making me look at him

"Well, I... eh.. hmm... kind of." I sututter and look down, playing with my ring. Will slightly chuckles and I look at him expectantly to see his reaction.

"You can't be kinda gay, death boy." Will says brushing his thumb lightly on my cheek. I gulp when he gets closer to me, feeling his hot breath on my neck. "So are you?" he whispers seductively on my ear and I only nod, not trusting my voice. "Then there won't be a problem if I do this, right?" he asks getting away so he can look at me.

"Do wha-" I start to ask, but I am cut off by Will's lips being pressed on mine. Wait what? Will Solace is kissing me. I can't move I just stand there shocked. Will Solace is kissing me. I feel him nudge my lips but I still don't move. It's not that I don't want to, I just don't know what to do. It's my first kiss.

"Fuck" Will says pulling away from me and tugging his hair in frustration. "I'm sorry, Death Boy. I won't do it again, I promise. I just thought that maybe you liked me back and that we could go out or something. But please don't be mad at me and-" Will starts rambling and I laugh, pulling my hand over his mouth.

"I like you too, Sunshine." I say in barely a whisper and Will's eyed widen. "You do?" His voice is muffled by my hand and I take it away. "Yeah" I shrug and he frowns. "Then why didn't you..." He starts to say. "Oh! It was your first kiss wasn't it?" He asks and I look away, ashamed.

"Hey, it's okay, Death Boy. Just relax" Will cups my face with both hands making me look at him. "Can I?" He asks and I nod.

He leans in and carefully brushes his lips on mine. I stiff at the contact "Relax" he whispers and I do as he told. I start moving my lips in the same pace as him and it feels like time stopped. The only thing I can think about is Will. It feels like all my fears and sadness had gone away.

I put my hands around his neck and keep kissing him. We pull away after a while, both panting. Will's cheeks are red from the lack of air and it looks like he is glowing. I'm sure that now I'm just standing there smiling like an idiot. I move my hand to touch my lips. Wow. I never thought someone could ever make me feel so dazed.

"Will, we need you now!" A girl calls from outside my room and Will sighs. "I'll come back here later, Death Boy." He kisses my cheek and leaves the room.

It's not his fault he has so many things to do around here. Sometimes I wish he worked less. It mustn't be very healthy.

I plop down on my bed looking at the ceiling. Replaying our kiss several times on my mind.

Wil Solace.
The son of Apollo

This boy broke down my walls. I just hope he doesn't break my heart too.

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