Don't Give Up, Death Boy

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Dedicated to Sumeyyexfangirlxlove bc she is the best twin ever!

Isabella, if you're reading this story: I was gonna put Manitoba, but then I thought 'what if boboninha is reading it?' Then I thought it would be better if I didn't. So yeah, I blame you.

I make my way through the farm I got in. Where in Hades am I? The last thing that I remember was shadow travelling to San Francisco. Maybe something got on the way.

I walk through the cows trying not to be noticed, but some of them get their heads up from the grass and give me death glares. Can cows even glare at someone? Because I'm pretty sure these ones can. I look down and start walking faster. Something in this farm is making me uneasy, I need to get out of here.

I hear loud steps behind me, so I start to run. "Hey! Hey, boy! What do you think you are doing in my farm?" And old bearded man asks taking me by my shirt. At first I thought it could be Dionysius, the man resembles him a lot, but it isn't. "I'm sorry, Sir. I might have taken the wrong way. Could you please tell me where we are?" I ask politely as he lets me out of his grip. "It's okay, boy. We are in East Saskatchewan, Canada." The man answers and my eyes widen. I am in Canada?

"Do you want to come in, boy? You seem pale and I think some food would be good to you?" The man asks and I shake my head. "Thank you, Sir. But I think I'm okay. I just need to get back to the road, could you please give me the directions?" I ask.

"Oh! I'm afraid I can't tell you this, boy." The man says and I watch as his frowns turns into a smirk and he starts to grow and his facial features change. A giant. I take out my sword and hold it in front of me. The cyclops laughs loudly at me. "Demigod, son of Hades, didn't anyone teach you how wrong it is to treat the owners like this when you are a guest?" And with that, the cows who were looking at us suddenly turned into lions and start moving around me, making a circle that is impossible for me to break. I try killing one of the lions with my sword, but it couldn't get through its leather, like it was made out of metal.

"Well well! I never thought I would have Nico Di Angelo as my guest! You did a real good job, brother." Another voice rings from far and a shiver runs down my spin. Oh Gods! Not them again. "Maybe we should have some fun with him, before eating?" The first giant suggests "That sounds good." The other one answers and with a clap of a hand the cows come slowly to me. Their eyes pierce through my skin as they get closer.

They jump on me without warning. Their hot metal skin burns mine and their claws cut my flesh. One of them bites my right arm and I scream in agony, but refuse to let my sword fall down.

I guess this is it. Maybe this is how my life will end. Maybe I will never see the seven anymore. I won't see my sister. I won't see Will. I guess some people just weren't meant to be happy, live a long life and find someone they truly love. One of these people is me.

Don't give up, Death Boy

I hear his voice ringing in my head as the lions attack me. Just this words give me enough courage to try to live, maybe it's because it's Will's voice, but I don't care. As the last lion jumps on me, I close my eyes and let the shadows take me away from here.


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