You Were My First Kiss, Remember?

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"Hey, Death boy! I'm back!" Will says walking into the room with a huge smile. "Oh hi, Jason." I watch as his smile fade away and turns into a frown. Now it's pretty obvious that he doesn't like Jason.... I wonder why.

"Oh hello, Will. You should have come to join us before. Too bad I have to go now." Jason says getting up from my bed.

Wait didn't he say that he could spend the whole afternoon with me? Idiot, I know what you're doing. He shouldn't leave me here all alone with Will. Things will get out of my control... Again. And he knows it.

I glare at Jason and he chuckles "Bye, Neeks." He blows me a kiss then runs out of the door.

"Don't call me Neeks!" I scream. Groaning I lay back down on my bed. Dam it, Jason. I already have to go with death boy, now Neeks too? Even though I kinda like the death boy nickname, but only when Will calls me that. It's really cute. Wait what? I shouldn't be thinking about that. Nope, there's nothing between me and Will and there will never be.

"Soooo" Will trails off trying to start a subject. "Why don't you like Jason?" I blurt out. Will crosses his arms and shrugs "I don't have anything against Jason." He answers "Really? Then why do you act so weirdly when he's around?" I raise an eyebrow and he shrugs again "I don't. So you and Jason, uh?" He changes the subject.

"Me and Jason what?" I honestly don't know what he's talking about. I would never go for Jason! Except from that one time... but it was Cupid's fault, not mine. Jason isn't my type anyways.

"Do you like like Jason? Because if you do, I'm really sorry for kissing you. I didn't know and... Oh Gods! Are you two together? I'm so sorry, death boy!" He asks accentuating the second like and goes on rambling while pacing around the room. "No. I don't like Jason, we're not together and you don't have to be sorry about anything." I answer getting up and taking Will's hand in my small one and give it a squeeze.

"You aren't?" He raises an eyebrow and I shake my head. "You were my first kiss, remember?" I ask and he sends me a goofy smile.

"So there wouldn't be a problem if I kissed you again?" Will asks and I pretend to think for a while. "Well, I don't know... Only if you are a good kisser." I answer jokingly and Will smirks. "You will have to discover that yourself, because I'm not telling you." He gets closer to me, our noses brushing against each other's .

"Too bad, I'm a curious boy. I'll have to try." I answer and as if on cue Will smashes his lips on mine.

This kiss isn't as soft as the last one. It's more needy. Will cups my cheeks with both hands and I wrap my arms around his neck. Our lips move in sync as I tug at the small hairs on his neck, making small groans come out of his mouth.

Will's hands travel from my cheek to my waist, bringing me closer to him, so my body is pressed against his. Our tongues explore each other's for a while before we pull away. I sit down on my bed and Will lays down next to me. He opens his arms widely inviting me to join him. I rest my head on Will's chest and he wraps his arms around my small figure.

This is a whole new sensation for me. Being so close to someone and I'm glad this is Will. A few hours ago I was just thinking about how I can't be with Will and here I am. Weird how somebody can make you change your mind so fast, right? I still think that whatever it is that I am developing with Will, it won't do any good. But I really want to enjoy this moment the fullest, because I know that it is the most happiness I have been in for a while.
And I'm sure I wouldn't want to be experiencing this with anyone, but my sunshine. Not even Percy Jackson, even though I wanted it to be him a few moths ago. Now I know how wrong I was.

A.N.: *smirks* I hope you guys like this chapter. If you do please vote and comment what you think! Thanks again for reading this fanfic xx

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