We Gotta Do... Stuff

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I watch as the two couples chat animatedly. Imagining me and Will doing that. In that alternative universe I'd be a normal boy, not this depressed, socially awkward and creepy boy I am now.

We stay like this for the whole afternoon. The four of them talking while I pretend to listen, humming at some parts to make it more believable.
"Nico, what are you going to do when summer ends?" Percy asks and I shrug "I'm not really sure." I simply answer and he smiles.

"Then you should come to New York with us! We could go back to school and have a normal life." Annabeth offers and I shake my head "I don't think that's a good idea, but thanks." I answer expressionless and Percy frowns, but drops the subject.

"I bet he is going to go wherever Solace goes" Jason says with a smirk and my eyes go wide. "Jason!" I hiss and slap him in the head.

"Aww! This is so cute, Nico!" Piper says smiling brightly while Percy looks at me with shock.

"Wait, I'm not your type, but Will is?!" He asks bewildered while Annabeth laughs at him. "You can't blame Nico though. Will seems like a great kid." She says and Percy looks at her "And I am not?" He asks pretending to be offended and she chuckles "Yes you are." She says and he pulls her in for a kiss.

I avert my gaze from them feeling uncomfortable. Not because I have a thing for Percy this time, I really got over that, but because it makes me feel guilty that I am going to leave them behind.

"Hey, Death Boy! I'm back!" Will says getting into the room and stops dead in his tracks when he sees the others. His eyes scan the room and stopping on Jason for a few seconds before going back to me.

"Hey guys. I'm sorry, but you can't all stay here. " he says politely and Jason gets up. "Oh no problem. We were just leaving now that Nico has company." He says helping Piper up. "Oh yeah. We gotta go do... Stuff." Percy says taking Annabeth's hand and running out of the room.

Smooth, Percy, real smooth.

"What's wrong with them?" Will asks raising an eyebrow and I shrug "I wish I knew." I answer and he laughs kissing my forehead. "Well I came here to tell you that you can leave, but still no underworld-y stuff for a long time. doctors orders." He says sternly and I nod smiling.

"Don't forget about me, Death Boy." He says pulling me in for a kiss. "I won't, Sunshine." I promise and take the backpack Jason brought me. "I'll take you to your cabin." Will says taking my hand and pulling me closer to him. "Just don't freak out when you enter there. It is like a vampire's nest." I say with a disgusted face and he laughs.
His cute angelic laughs rings through my ears, making me all warm inside just by that sound of it.

"Oh c'mon it can't be that bad." He says giving me a peck on the lips and I shake my head "Wait and see." I answer and we walk out of the infirmary.

A.N.: Hey guys! Since my school is starting on Monday, I won't be able to keep updating as much as I do now. So I'm going to post a new chapter every Saturday, also the chapters will probably be longer. Well yeah, that's all I have to say. Thanks again for reading and please don't forget to vote and comment what you think! Xx

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