My Death Boy Part II

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I pull away from the kiss with a smile on my face. It feels so right to be with Will. Sighing, I rest my head on his chest as he wraps an arm around my shoulders. We stay like that for a while. Just enjoying each other's company and looking at the stars. For a moment I forget everything. Every thought from when I felt sad, depressed, alone seems to vanish when I'm next to Will. And that is what scares me the most, but at the same time what makes me want to stay with him as much as possible.

"Hey, Death Boy?" Will calls while playing with my hair. "Yes?" I ask, still laying down on his chest. "Would you be my boyfriend?" He asks a bit hesitantly and before my brain can even process what he said I see myself answering "Yes."

My eyes widen in shock at my sudden answer as Will turns me around by my waist to face him. He doesn't say anything and for a while I just take in all of his features. How his face seems to be glowing even more under the moonlight. A strand of his perfect blonde hair falls on his forehead and I brush it away from his face. The smile that is placed on his face seem to get even brighter and his blue eyes stare into mine with so much intensity that I could get lost in them and forget everything else.

I lean forward. My face coming closer to Will's as my eyes flutter closed. When our lips connect, a shoot of electricity goes through my body. It feels so right to be on Will's arms. The way he holds me closer to him, how Will is always so worried about how I feel, if I am okay with what is going on. He is so caring, sweet, thoughtful, lovable.

We pull away from the kiss. Will's hand placed on my cheek and he caresses his thumb across my cheek. "Thank you, Death Boy." He whispers smiling brightly and I raise an eyebrow. "For what, Sunshine?" I ask. "For being you. For being here. For being mine."

And for the first time I am not scared anymore.

A.N.: cheesy I know. Last chapter was a bit too big, so I decided to split it in two different parts.
I have a question for you guys. Would you rather read a long chapter every Friday or small random chapters along the week? Lemme know what you think!
Thanks for reading, I love you xx
P.S.: this would be considered a random short update

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