Whatever, Sunshine

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" I've been so worried about you, Nico!" She says and I pull her tightly back into my arms. "I'm sorry, Hazel. I'm so so sorry." I whisper in her ear, burying my face on her neck. "It's okay, Nico. You're fine now and that's all that matters." She says giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Just don't do it ever again." Hazel pulls away to look right into my eyes. "I won't, I promise" I say and a small smile forms on her face. "Now, go with Will and I will tell the others the news. And thank you for leaving that sheet hung up on the wall." Hazel gets up, I give her one last kiss on the cheek before she leaves the infirmary room.

I stand there watching as Hazel leaves the room when I feel a pair of arms creeping up around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. Without even thinking, I entwine Will's fingers in mine and turn my head to the right, as I feel his gaze on me. "What?" I ask laughing. "And you don't know why I say that you are cute..." He trails off shrugging. I, as always, send him a glare and he starts laughing "Sorry, Death Boy. But it's true." He says giving me a light kiss on the nose and I can't help but smile at the gesture. "Whatever, Sunshine." I answer rolling my eyes and chuckling a bit.

"Death Boy, as much as I would love to stay here hugging you all day, we have to go." Will says giving me a kiss on the shoulder. He has been doing this kind of things ever since we got back together. He is always touching me, hugging me or kissing me whenever he can. Not that I'm complaining, though. But to me it feels like he is afraid of me disappearing again. He shouldn't feel that way. If I have a say on that, he will always be here by my side and vice versa.

"Okay, Sunshine." I answer, turning around on his arms to give him a kiss. Will kisses me right back hugging me tighter. "Let's go now." I say when we break the kiss and Will nods. "Yeah..." He answers letting go of me. I take his hand in mine and we walk away, out of the infirmary to cabin 13.

I shiver as we get out of the infirmary. I can see snow falling out of the camp, but thankfully not in here. As we walk to my cabin, I notice how empty Camp Half Blood is. I know it is winter and most of the campers have a family and are now with them, it feels pretty odd for me to walk through the desert area. "Why isn't anyone here?" I ask Will feeling uncomfortable with not seeing anyone. "After the war we lost many demigods, Death Boy. So Chiron thought it would be better to take the few ones that stayed here and didn't have a family out, so they could have some time to have fun." He explains. "Then no one else is here?!" I exclaim with a gasp. "Of course not, Death Boy. Some of us wanted to stay here." Will answers laughing and I look down, blushing at my stupidity. "Hey" Will says softly, taking my chin with his warm hands and making me look at him. "But if you want us both to be completely alone anytime, you just have to tell me." Will says in my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck and my eyes widen at his words. With a wink and a laugh, Will walks into my cabin, closing the door behind him. Leaving me blushing deeply red and wide eyed standing at the door.

A.N.: Hey, guys!! I'm so sorry for taking so long to update, but I've been really busy these days. I promise I'll update again tonight or tomorrow morning.
Love you! Xx

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