I Was Joking... Death Boy...

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"Wait, what?! For Jupiter! I knew it was just a matter of time! I can't believe this is finally happening, Nico I'm so proud of you!" Jason exclaims pulling me in a bone crushing hug.

"Hmm, Jason? Could you please... Just..." I trail off awkwardly and his mouth forms an 'O' shape "Oh yeah, sorry. But I'm pretty sure that rule of not touching you, doesn't apply to everyone..." Jason grins sheepishly wiggling his eyebrows and I feel my cheeks burn.

"Jason!" I scoff and he laughs ruffling my hair. "I was joking... death boy..." He smirks and I glare at him. I swear, if looks could kill Jason would be dead by now. "Okay, okay. Sorry. I won't call you this again." He says throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Now tell me! When is it? Where are you going to?" Jason gushes and I roll my eyes at him. "Saturday at 6pm and I don't know, I didn't ask Will that." I answer.

"I gotta tell Percy! He owns me five bucks now." And with that, Jason is out of the cabin, leaving me alone on the Hades cabin. How nice of him! Betting money on me and Will...

I sigh and get up from my coffin and decide to take a walk outside. Honestly, I'd like to just shadow travel to New Rome and see Hazel. But Will wouldn't be very happy with that.

I walk around the camp for a while, hiding in the shadows, so people wouldn't see me and feel awkward.
I observe everything around me, noticing how it is all ugly and destroyed.
I guess that's what you would expect after the war, but I thought that with the magic and the help of everyone and maybe even Mr. D, everything would be perfectly fine, but I was wrong.

I remember when I first came into the camp. I was amazed by everything in here, maybe because I just discovered that my Mythomagic was real.

I chuckle of that thought. I was so happy back then, it seemed like everything was going to be okay, but then Bianca died.
She left me.
She was the only one I had, and now she is gone.

I shake these thoughts out of my head and concentrate on the demigods playing around. I like to see people smiling, laughing and enjoying themselves. I like to see people being happy.
It is a good feeling, reminds me of how I was when I was younger. I wish I could go back in time for this days.

A.N.: Small, I know. But I promise I'll update on Thursday and it'll be better.
And I discovered that there's a song called shadows, so I went to see it and even though there's no lyrics I think it's a pretty good song... Okay, I only liked the song video, it was really cool! Anyways the video is on the side, in case you want to check it out.
Also OMG!! I GOT 1,570 K!! Thank you guys so much! It really made my day!
Thanks again for reading and please don't forget to vote and comment what you think! Ily <3

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