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Will's POV for a change

"I don't need your help." Nico answers. I get so frustrated, he doesn't show any emotion nor tells me what he is thinking. How will this relationship work like this? We can't just pretend that everything is always okay.
"YES YOU DO! Gods! Can't you see it Nico? You are breaking slowly and I'm not going to just stand and watch as you shatter." I try to convince Nico. This could be good to him. To start a new life, make friends, open up and be happy again. "My answer is still no" He answers once more expressionless.

"I'm tired of this! I'm the only one who tries. I try so much for our relationship to work, but how can it when you can't even trust me or let me help you. I'm tired of being the only one who wants us to work out!" I let out everything that I was holding on for so long. For this to work, I need Nico to trust me, as much as I trust him. I know it is hard, but he doesn't even try.

"Then why don't you just leave me?" Nico shrugs, as if he is challenging me, testing how much I can handle.

"SCREW IT! SCREW EVERYTHING! NICO, GO TO HELL!" I scream, tugging at my hair, but as soon as these words leave my mouth I realise what I have said.

"Okay, then." He whispers. Nico takes one step back, his face full of disappointment, sadness. I disappointed him. Realisation hits me and I whish I could take back all that I said, but it is too late, Nico is already gone, fading into the shadows.

I keep looking at the spot my Death Boy was without moving. I was just there shocked by what happened in such a small amount of time.

After a while my knees give away and I fall on the ground. I let the tears fall shamelessly from my eyes as I sob on the ground.

I just let one of the best things that happened in my life slip through my fingertips. But the worst part is: how is Nico going to be?

He is still so weak from all that shadow travel with Athena Parthenos and how he must he feel like? When he finally decides to open up to someone, even if it is slowly, this person let's him down.

He was so much better than a month ago, and I am sure he is going to build all his walls again. He is not going to be in my arms anymore, I will not feel his coldness against my warm body. Nico is gone now. And it is all my fault.

After a while of just sitting down on the floor and letting everything out I, somehow, just ran out of tears. I feel like nothing else can come out of me. I want to cry, to scream, but my body doesn't seem to comprehend that, it just feels numb as I lay down. I want to get up, move, find Nico, do whatever it takes to bring him back to me, however I know this is impossible. Death boy might be anywhere in the world by now and there is no way I will be able to find him.

But I am not going to just sit here and wait until he comes back, that's if he ever comes back. I am going to find a way to bring him back. It could take days, weeks, months, even years for Zeus' sake, I will find my Death Boy and treat him as he deserves to be treated. I will find him and make sure Nico knows how much he is loved and cared.

Wait? Did I just say love?

Yes, you did.

A voice rings in my head and that is when I realise. I love Nico. I love Nico Di Angelo. During my whole life I heard people say that you only know if you love someone when you lose this person, and that is exactly what happened to me.

I love Nico Di Angelo. And that is what will keep me fighting until I find away to get him back.

I will find Nico

My Nico

A.N.: It's a Will's POV for a change. It feels so weird, like I keep writing Will or Sunshine instead of Death Boy and Nico, so if you saw it, please tell me. It's extremely frustrating.

Thanks again for reading my story!
Love ya xx

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