I Love You Death Boy

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After recomposing myself from the shock of Will's words I enter into my cabin to find Will laying down on my bed with closed eyes. I try to be as quiet as I can, in case Will was asleep , but the wind slams the door closed, making me flinch. "I almost thought you wouldn't come and that I scared you away." Will says chuckling, opening one eye. "It will take a lot more than that for you to get rid of me, Sunshine." I answer with a smug smile on my face as I sit down beside him. "Great, because I don't ever want you to leave me." Will whispers, and I down my head, giving him a light peck on the lips. "Go take a shower and get changed. I have a surprise for you, Death Boy." I nod to him and make my way to the bathroom before getting some clothes. "I'll try to go as quick as possible." I say and shut the door behind me. (Just go with the bathroom thing)

I hop on the shower thinking about Will. About everything we have been through. All the pointless fights that we have had, all the times that I had second thoughts about us, all of my fears, my dreads, my nightmares. Will changed me; he changed my sadness into happiness and I will never be able to thank him enough for that. Will taught me how to be happy again. He taught me that even when we are in the darkest and saddest times, happiness can still be found.

I never thought I would ever find someone who would care; someone who would see and actually make through my walls; someone who would like me enough to try and make me happy. Or even someone who would make me happy. And I can now say that I am very glad that Will came into my life.

I get out of the shower as quick as I can and change into a plain black shirt and some jeans. As I get out of the bathroom I see nothing more, but darkness. All the lights are off and no light comes in, except for the one in the bathroom. "Will?" I ask walking further into the bedroom. "Sunshine?" I ask again, this time louder. Will still doesn't answer and the cabin feels empty. I walk around, already accustomed to the darkness, searching for my boyfriend. I can't find him here, so I decide to get out to see if I can find him.

As soon as I step out of my cabin's door, my mouth hangs open. There's a blanket with lots of pillows laying on top of it in front of the Hades' cabin. I take a few steps forward, analysing how Will set this all up just in a matter of a few minutes. "I thought we should enjoy watching the sunset together." Will says creeping up from behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Sounds great." I answer smiling, giving him a peck on the lips. "But what if people-" Will cuts me off by pressing his lips onto mine in a more forceful and passionate kiss, spinning me around, so I am facing him as I pull him as close to me as I can. "Don't worry about it. I have had my ways." He says when we finally pull away. Will then takes my hand in his, leading me to the blanket and we both sit down, cuddling each other in between the pillows.

"Nico." Will whispers in my ear, sending shivers through my body and I turn my head to face him. "We've been together for quite a while now and through so many things. A lot has happened during these past months and they made me realise how much I want you. How much I need you. I need you more than anything, Nico di Angelo and after all that I realised that without you I am nothing. You complete me like nobody else ever did and the way you make me feel is just- ugh! I can't even explain it... Anyways, my point is- what I'm trying to tell you is that I love you, Death Boy. I do know how much these three words mean, and I would never use them if it wasn't real, but it is. I love you, Death Boy, and nothing or no one will ever change the way I feel."

I am stars trucked by the words that left Will's mouth. How could I get so lucky? It's not everyday that you see a boy as caring and charming as Will telling that he loves you. To me those three words mean a lot, and I can't understand how people use them without really meaning it. I know I love Will too, I just never got to the right time to tell him.
That is
Until now.

"Will, nothing that I can say could ever compare to what you have just said to me, but I just want you to know that I love you too, Sunshine. Much more than you could ever imagine. And I couldn't ever imagine what I would be right now without you coming into my life." I say and kiss Will like I've never kissed him before. I put my everything on that kiss, I want to show him how big is my love for him. He kisses me right back, on the same peace and intensity and this time I feel special. Like we are the only people in the world at the moment and nothing else matters. I tangle my hands on Will's hair and he pulls me onto his lap. We both pull away panting and flushed, but our smiles are obviously showing in our faces.

"I love you, Death Boy."

"I love you, Sunshine."

Hey guys!! Thank you so so so so so much for reading my story! I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please let me know what you thought about it and if you liked the story please don't forget to vote!

Also by now, all of you probably know that there is going to be a sequel for this story. It is going to be called 'Light and Darkness' and I hope you guys enjoy it. The prologue of the story is also going to be posted here this weekend.
Love you and thanks again! Xx

P.S.: I know I wrote stars trucked. No, I did not misspell it nor was my phone. I've just said it like that since forever.

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