Maybe You Can Find Hapiness With Him

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Thanks to JacquelineChan3 for making this amazing edit for me!! You're the best potato Nico ever!


Jason actually planned out every single detail of his date with Piper. I never thought he was the type of guy who would do anything for the one he loved.

"Do you think she will like it?" He asks after he is done with the explanation. "Yeah. I think she's going to love it." I answer and he gives me a bright smile. "Thank you, Nico. Now I have to go, it's almost dinner time." He says getting up from my bed.

Wow time really did fly.

"I'll come to visit you as soon as I can." He says and walks out of the room after sending me a smug smile. I sigh. Now that I'm all by myself I take off my shirt, leaving me only in my jeans and make myself comfortable on the small bed.

I lay down on my back and look at the ceiling. Honestly this is much better than the dark cabin I am living in. But not for so long, since I'm going to leave the camp in a month. I'm just waiting for things to calm down a bit. I'm going to be alone in the world again. Not knowing anyone. Maybe I can go back to Italy and start a new life there. Maybe I can be normal and happy teenager again.

I can't help but let my mind drift to Will and to our almost kiss.

Maybe you can find happiness with him.

I think and shake my head. I'm sure it was just a spur of the moment thing. I barely know the guy. Sure, he is extremely attractive. With his beautiful blue eyes, glowing hair, soft pink kissable lips, and his amazing toned body. But I don't like him. It's just physical attraction.

I'm taken out of my thoughts when someone knocks on the door. "Death boy? Can I come in?" Will asks from the other side. "Just wait a second." I answer putting my shirt back on. No way am I letting him see me shirtless. I'm too pale, too skinny, too ugly for him. I don't want him to feel disgusted by me.

"Come in" I say opening the door for him to enter the room. "I brought you food!" He says holding a tray with two plates. "Thank you." I say getting out of the way.

"Oh! I forgot there isn't a table in here. Let's go eat with the other healers." He points out and I shrug. "Sounds okay to me." I answer and he nods frowning. "Okay then, let's go." He says nodding his head to the door and we leave the room.

As we walk around the infirmary I notice the looks some of the healers and the patients give me, like I don't belong here and all I do is bring death and sadness wherever I go. I look down in shame and keep walking behind Will.

I know I never show it and I'll never admit out loud, but it hurts. Knowing that people don't like being in your presence and avoid you at all costs. That is the worst feeling in the world. The feeling of loneliness.

I don't notice that Will had stopped walking until I run into his back.

A.N.: Thank you for reading and dealing with my crap!! Xx

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