Mom, Am I Dead?

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I close my eyes at the sudden brightness. I don't know for how long I have been shadow travelling, but it surely felt like years.

I take a look at my surroundings, trying to have a clue as to where I am. I'm on top of a hill that is surrounded by trees and a dense forest is projected on my right. I hear something moving and I turn around abruptly. This sudden movement makes me feel dizzy and my eyes can't focus on anything.

I put a hand on a tree to try to stabilise myself. My body feels weak and I can barely stand still. I hear the sound again, this time much louder than the last one. I try to move, run away, take my sword, whatever it is, I need to get out of here, but I can't. I can't move.

Suddenly something attacks me, but I can only see a blur coming in my direction. I fall on the ground as it jumps on top of me. And everything gets dark.


"Oh Gods, Nico! What have you done to yourself?" I hear a woman whisper, worry filled on her voice, just like my mother.

It is my mother. Maybe I am dead. This doesn't sound bad at all, I will finally be in peace with my mother and my sister. I won't have to worry about other people anymore. I won't be suffering anymore. This is it. The end of all of my problems.

"Mom, am I dead?" I whisper in a small voice unable to open my eyes. "No, my dear. You're still alive, now go rest." I feel as she plays with my hair carefully, just like she used to. "Okay" I nod and fall back into a deep sleep.

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