Are We Still Together?

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A.N.: Yes, I know that Jason's mother is dead, but I just needed a reason to get him out of CHB for a while.
Also, today is Zack's 27th birthday!! Which explains the media.

Will finished checking me up and puts all of his stuff away. He looked at me with a mixture of emotions in his eyes that I can't decipher. "What happened to us, Nico?" He asks with a sigh. I am caught off guard by his question, not really sure about what to answer.

"Are we still together? I mean, I want us to be, but after everything that happened I'm not sure if you want us to be. However, I just wanted to tell you that I still like you, Nico. A lot. And if you don't want us to be back, please just say it already, don't be with me out of pity or anything." Will says looking right into my eyes.

How can he think that I don't want to be his boyfriend again?

Instead of answering his question, I cup Will's cheeks with both of my hands and pull him closer to me. "Yes, Sunshine. We are" I whisper before crashing my lips on his soft pink ones. Will kisses me back instantly. Differently from all the other kisses we shared, this one is needy, passionate. I put all of my emotions into that kiss and I know that Will did the same.

We pull away from each other breathing heavily. I let my hands wonder from Will's face to his hair and tug at is as he wraps his arms around my waist and pull me as close to him as he could. I burry my head in the crook of his neck, feeling his warmth take over my body.

This time no one interrupted us. And no one Will. They can know that I'm awake tomorrow, because right now all I want is to be with Will, on his arms. "Can we stay like this for the whole day?" I mumble on his neck and he shivers, making me smile to myself. "I don't think so. But... I don't care." Will says grabbing my chin and giving me a light peck on the lips.

"Good." I answer, scooting over to leave space for him to get on the bed. We make ourselves comfortable, limbs tangled on each other's and that is how we spent the whole day. Just enjoying each other's company as much as we could.

I admit, I was so wrong when I said that I didn't need Will, that I didn't want him. Now I know that he completes me. I need light to guide me through darkness, and Will is my light, my Sunshine.

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