Don't Miss Me Much

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I wake up on the following day alone. I know Will had to get away to work, but I also know that today is the day that I will have to face the world again and I'm honestly not sure if I want to. I wish I could just stay with Will on this room forever and never have to face anyone or anything. But life isn't what you wish for and at least I'm still alive.

I get up from the bed with a sigh and start walking around the room to stretch my sore legs. I notice a trail of food sitting on a small table on the corner of the room. I make my way there and see a not sticking out.

'Good morning, Death Boy!

I hope you slept well. I'm sorry I had to go, but I needed to take care of some things.

I left you some food to eat and I will know if you don't, so please just eat it.

I won't be back until around three pm, and you must wake up by eight or nine, so one of my brothers is coming to check up on you at ten.

Don't miss me much ;)


I read the letter over and over again smiling at Will's sweetness to myself. However he is occupied for the rest of the day and I will have to stay alone with a stranger. How wonderful!

I take a look at the trail full of different types of bread and biscuits that I've never seen before. So I take a few of them that look more appetising and start to munch on them. Just as I finished eating, someone knocks on the door. "Come in." I say loud enough for them to hear.

"Hey, Nico. I'm Jack" A boy around sixteen years old chirpes into the room, smiling brightly at me. "Hi." I answer in a small voice as I look at the boy amazed. He looks just like Will, except for his hair that is darkes and straight and from his nose. Except for that, he ressemblance is amazing and makes me overwhelmed. I avert my gaze from him, looking down and playing with my fingers. "Could you please sit on the bed?" He asks after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"So, Nico, how are you feeling?" Jack starts a conversation as he checks me up, trying to lighten the mood, however he doesn't know that even though I try, I can't make it less awkward. "Good." I simply answer with a shrug as Jack frowns at me and go back to work without trying to start a conversation and for the whole time I just stay still silently hoping that it will end soon.

"All done!" Jack exclaims after a while, probably as relieved as I am for it to have finally ended. He starts to get all of his things back into his bag, but as he closes it, he shakes his head and turn to look at me. "Nico" he starts to say with a sigh. "I just wanted to talk to you about Will. We all have seen how Will got after you were gone, he wasn't his usual bubbly self anymore, instead he looked so sad and barely did anything except for trying to find a way to get to you. And when you came back, he was feeling so much worse. He would never leave this room, not even to get food for the first days and people had to force him out at least once or twice a day, because he wanted to be the first one you saw when you wake up and said his life wasn't complete without you. Now, Will is happy again and so cheerful. And it concerns me, because I don't want him to be hurt. He loves you, Nico. So I would like to know how you feel about him and if you don't feel the same, please don't keep his hopes up to crash them down later."

I look at Jack wide eyed. I never knew that Will suffered this much when I got away, I feel so selfish now, for only caring about my own feelings and leaving him behind. After hearing Jack's speech I am sure that Will cares, and I care about him just as much, if not even more. I remember the first day we really talked, he lead me to the infirmary with him. Will took care of me all this time, whenever I was feeling down and wanting it all to end, Will was there for me. He is the one that is picking up the pieces of my broken self and I know that he is the only one that can fix it. I believe now that we can be together and that I will never be happy with him or anyone else if I don't try to. I know now that I love Will and that he completes me.

"You shouldn't worry about that, Jack. I love Will a lot, I really do. However I can't promise you that I won't hurt him. We will probably fight a lot of times, as every couple do and say things we don't mean, but I will try my best to be good for him and to make him as happy as he makes me." I say looking right into his eyes in order to show him that I mean what I said.

I see a smile forming into his lips and his image change into an young handsome adult that could be a model and I recognise him instantly. "I'm glad to hear that, Nico di Angelo. I hope my soon and you be happy together." Apollo says and with a nod of head and a smile of approval he disappears right in front of my eyes, leaving me bewildered at how a God would care so much about his son that he would come and talk to me.

Nonetheless, Apollo helped me realise how much I want to keep Will in my life and how much I am glad to be alive.

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