What Is Wrong With You, Nico?

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I wake up on the following day with the bright sunlight and miraculously from a dreamless and relaxing sleep. I groan and search around my bed for my pillow to cover my head. Wow! Why is my bed so hard?


"Death boy, what are you doing?" I hear Will's hoarse voice. I open my eyes wide in realisation. We fell asleep on the forest last night. Burring my head into his chest, I mumble something incoherent and feel the vibration on his torso as he laughs. "Okay, then. Good morning" he chuckles. I lift my head to look at him and give Will a small smile "Morning, Sunshine"

Will gives me a small peck on the lips. "Do you want to go have breakfast?" He asks as he gets up stretching. His shirt lifts up a bit, letting his hi-
What is wrong with you, Nico?
I shake my head and get up. "Don't you have to work, Sunshine?" I ask taking his hand in mine as we walk out of the forest. "Not today." He smirks, giving me a kiss on the cheek and I smile.

We slowly make our way through the cabins and get different reactions out of the campers. They either smile at our entwined hands or ignore us. Luckily we didn't encounter with Drew or any of her friends.

I let go of Will's hand and go sit on my table... Alone... A plate appears in front of me with some pancakes and I pick on them, not feeling like eating. I feel someone sit down on my right and another one on my left side. I look up from my food to see Jason and Percy sitting next to me.

"What are you guys-" I start to say but Percy cuts me off. "How was the date?" He asks with a grin and I turn to Jason "You told him?" The son of Jupiter nods sheepishly and I glare at him. "Did you use protection?" Jason asks bluntly and my eyes widen. "What?!"

"Well, we just wanted to know that you are being safe, Nico. We don't want you to get pregnant at such a young age." Percy States and I blush deeply. "Oh my gods! NOTHING HAPPENED! And I'm a boy, Percy! For Hades!" Both boys start laughing loudly. I push my plate aside and put my head on the table as my arms cover me. I wish I could just burry my head on the ground mad never look at another human being again.

"What did you two do to Nico?" I hear Will asking as he takes a sit on the other side of my table. What's up with these people? They should be on their tables, not mine. "Nothing!" They answer together a bit too quickly. I get my head up from the table and glare at the two. "Why aren't you with your siblings?" I ask Will, changing the subject. "Because I'd rather stay with you." He answers sending me a flirty smile and I roll my eyes smiling slightly.
It still feels a bit weird to smile or show any emotion at all. But I have been doing this a lot around Will. I think I can finally be happy again.

A.N.: Everything is going so well! Everyone is happy, Solangelo is canon, Neeks is kinda happy... Wouldn't it be bad...
If something happened?

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