I Think You're Beautiful

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A.N.: So I found this pic on Instagram and it's jUST SO FREAKING CUTE! And I think that everyone shall have this picture on their lives, that's why I'm putting it in here.

"Nico." Will whispers, pushing me on the bed and whipping a few tears away from his eyes. "We gotta check up on you, see if you're really okay." He explains getting off of the bed and I only nod in response. "I'll be back in a while." He says and rushes out of the room before I can say anything. I sigh and burry myself under the covers of the bed feeling cold again, I close my eyes trying to get some rest, because even if I have been sleeping for Zeus knows how long, I feel restless.

"Nico?" Will asks as he enters back in the room. "Yeah?" I ask with a roar voice, not opening my eyes. "You've got to stay awake. Okay? Just try for a while and then you'll be able to rest." Will sits beside me on the bed, drawing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb and I have to try hard not to smile with his actions. "Okay." I answer and he lets go of me and I feel the covers being pulled off of me and I groan. "Take your shirt off." Will says and this time I open my eyes wide.

"What?" I ask in disbelief. "Nico, I have to see if your wounds are healing all right." He says sighing and I do the same before taking my shirt off. I don't want Will to see me shirtless, I'm too pale, too skinny and don't even start with all the nasty scars I have up my torso. Will is going to feel disgusted by me.

Surprisingly, as I take my shirt off, I can see that some of the wounds are mostly healed, leaving only small scars, still ugly, but not as much as it used to be and there are also some badges covering the worst ones. "Don't worry, Death Boy. I think you're beautiful." I hear Will mutter to himself, not quite making out the words. "Uh?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "Oh! It was nothing." Will answers shrugging and turns around. "Drink that. It's going to make your throat better." He hands me a small cup and I swallow it all without even questioning what that liquid was. Almost instantly, I feel better.

"How long have I been asleep for?" I ask Will as he searches around the drawers for something. "Three weeks and two days." He answers and I feel my face fall.

Three weeks?

That's a lot! Even for me!

"And you have been here all this time?" These words leave my mouth before I can even process it. "Of course I did! Most of the time at least. I wanted to be the first to see when you woke up." Will explains with a shrug and I know he doesn't want to go deeper on that subject, so I let it go.

"How is everything here?" I ask trying to bring up a conversation as Will take the bandages out, making me uncomfortable. "Well, Hazel and Frank came back as soon as they heard about what happened and are still here. Jason decided not to go to school and wait for you to wake up, but his mother didn't let him stay. Percy and Annabeth went back to New York and asked to tell them when you're finally awake so they could come see you. Reyna is also waiting for news. The camp is fine now, everything that was destroyed was reconstructed and we were able to save a lot of people. Chiron isn't as worried now and we are back to the normal activities." Will explains, never looking into my eyes and going back to a deep silence and I watch as he works on healing and checking up on me.

Oh, Will. How I wanted to kiss you right now and just go back to how we were before all of this happened. But I can't have everything I want. And at least for a while, Will is one of those things.

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