I'll Make You Better

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Will's POV again

It's been one month. One month since I lost my Death Boy.

I didn't go back to school after the day he left. I decided to stay in Camp Half Blood to find him as soon as possible. I've tried everything and anything possible to find Death Boy, but it's really difficult to find someone who doesn't want to be found.
Sighing, I lay down in my bed, waiting for the sleep to come.

I'm in a place that looks like a farm. There are cows eating and everything looks peaceful. I see a boy walking around the place, he has dark bags under his eyes and seems to be very tired. He turns to me and I instantly recognise his face.


I try to run towards the boy, but I can't get near him. It's like an invisible wall is holding us apart.
"NICO!!" I scream, hoping that he will hear me, but Death Boy doesn't even budge.

A man who seems to be in his early 60s starts to run after Nico and grabs him by the collar of his shirt. They start to talk, but I can't hear them. The man slightly turns his head my way and smirks, as if he was seeing me.

My eyes widen at the sight of his face.

"NICO!! RUN, NICO! RUN!!" I start to scream and run around desperately to find a way to help Nico to get out of that place. I watch as he helplessly tries to fight the lions and how much pain he must be feeling.

I pray hard, with all of my being and to every God I can remember to help my little Death Boy out of that situation. I hear a scream. His scream. And watch as he falls on the ground, one of the lions jumps on top of him-

"NICO!" I scream and open my eyes widely. I can feel the tears running down my face. The cold sweat runs down my forehead and back as my heart beats rapidly.

It was a dream, Will, just a dream.

I tell myself, even when deep down inside I know it wasn't.

I lay back down on my bed, trying to calm down. I do some breathing exercises and close my eyes for a while, but it has no use at all. I can't just not worry about Nico. I just probably saw him dying in front of my own eyes and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I sigh and get up from my bed, deciding to go out for a walk. I think better alone and when I have enough space to do so, I can't find a solution to my problems in this cabin while all my brothers and sisters are sleeping in the same place.

I walk out of the cabin and go directly to the forest, not even caring about the harpies, my life has no meaning without Nico Di Angelo. I need to find a way to help him. I need to find him, as soon as I can. Maybe I could ask Jason for help, he probably cares about Nico just as much as I do.

I turn my way to the Zeus' cabin. I don't care if I am going to wake him up in the middle of the night, Nico is wayyyy more important than everything else that he could be doing at the moment.

Just as I am passing through the Hades' cabin, I see a person emerging from the shadows under the bright moonlight. It is a boy, he looks so frail and hurt. He looks up and I can see his features as the moon lights his face.

"Nico?" I whisper in disbelief. I can't move, I can't even think straight, I just stand there looking at the boy. "W-wi-" Nico starts to say, but his voice breaks and he stops abruptly. He starts to fall on the ground, eyes closed. I run as fast as I can and catch him in my arms just before his body reaches the ground.

"Hey, Death Boy! Don't worry, I've got you." I whisper brushing his soft dark hair out of his face. "Will?" He asks opening his eyes just a bit, letting a tear fall out of it. "I'm so so so sorry, baby" I say capturing the year with my thumb. "I-i" he starts to say again, but this time he closes his eyes and falls numbly in my arms. "Death Boy?" I ask shaking him slightly. However I get no response from him.
"Nico" I ask again, this time a bit louder. "NICO!" I shout, shaking his numb body vigorously, trying to get a response from him, any response.

"Help! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I scream out, letting the tears shamelessly fall from my eyes. I can't let Nico go like this. I'll do whatever I can to save him. Campers flow out of their cabins, swords and arrows in hand. They probably thought some monsters were attacking Camp Half Blood, but instead found me on the floor, crying my eyes out and holding Nico Di Angelo as closer as I could.

"I'm going to help you, Nico. I'll make you better." I whisper in his ear, not sure if he can hear me or not. I give him a kiss on the forehead and get up, carrying the smaller boy bridal style and getting him into the infirmary again.

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