You're Too Cute For Your Own Good, Neeks

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I wrote that on the road so I have a reason for that to be crappy :p
Let's enjoy the Internet while I still have it xD

On the following day I wake up in a better mood then what I have felt in ages. I thought I wasn't going to feel good after my break down, but everything changed when I remembered that I am going on a date with Will today.

I grin slightly at the thought of Will, which suddenly turns into a frown. I shouldn't be thinking about him like that. For Hades! It's only our first date. Even though I have never been on a date before...

"HELLO NICO!" Jason barges into my room and I jump frightened. "What was that for?!" I ask placing a hand over my heart and Jason laughs loudly. "Sorry, Neeks." He grins sheepishly and I glare at him "Don't-" I start to say and he cuts me off "Call me Neeks. I know, I know" he mocks me and I roll my eyes, crossing my arms and pouting.

"You're too cute for your own good, Neeks!" Jason ruffles my hair. "I'm not cute!" I exasperate trying to put my hair back down and he laughs. "Okay okay. Now let's get you ready for your date!" Jason squeals, like literally squeals.

Time skip 'cause nothing important happened

After about half an hour and lots of pointless arguments between me and Jason, I'm finally done and ready to go out with Will. But guess what I am wearing? Yup. A plain black shirt and some dark skinny jeans. Predictable, but it's not like I own any other type of clothing.

"Will will be here in a few minutes." I notify Jason and scrunch up my nose. "Why are you making that face?" Jason asks frowning "Will will be. That sounds so weird." I give Jason a small smile and he chuckles at my explanation. "It really does." He states. That's why I'm only calling Will Sunshine from now on.

"How are you feeling, Nico?" Jason asks carefully and sits down on my bed. "I honestly don't know" I say truthfully sitting down on the spot next to him. "You know you can tell me anything, right? You can trust me, Nico. I'm your friend." Jason says wrapping an arm around me and for once I didn't ask him to don't touch me. I look up at his face. He seems to be actually concerned about me and my feelings. He looks honest. He is being honest. "Thank you, Jason." I whisper and for the first time I pull him into a hug. He hugs me right back.

"I'll always be there for you, Nico! That's what friends are for!" He says and I can feel the smile on his voice. "Now when Will comes here, stop being a wimp and get with him already!" Jason exasperates pulling away from the hug and I roll my eyes at him. "Whatever." I grunt. Jason laughs and gets up, leaving my cabin before Sunshine gets here to take me out.

Hey, guys! I just wanted to thank PJ-ForEver who asked to do a translation of this story to German. It means a lot to me so thanks again.
And if you want you can check it out on the link below:

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