I-i Missed You Too, Sunshine

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On the next day I wake up with a loud bang on my door. Groaning I roll out of the bed and look at the time. 9am. Who the heck wakes up at nine am on a Friday?!

The bang on the door continues and I put on a shirt and some pants. Sighing I open the door to see a young boy, about thirteen years old with flushed cheeks and a heavy breath, probably from running.

"Are you Nico?" He asks and I nod slowly, waiting for him to explain what he is doing here.

"Will asked to call you urgently." The boy explains and my eyes widen "Why? Has something happened to Will?" I ask, my voice filled with worry and the boy shrugs "Dunno. He just said to tell you to the infirmary..." He starts to say and I run on the direction of the hospital wing before he is even able to finish.

Oh Gods. What if something happened to Will? I knew I shouldn't be near him, I only cause trouble. Now he's probably injured or something and it's all my fault.

I enter the infirmary as fast as I can scanning through the place for Will when I find him coming out of the bathroom.

"For Hades, Will! Are you okay?" I ask pulling him into my arms as I kiss his cheek and burry my head on the crook of his neck. "What are you talking about, Death Boy?" He pulls away from me, just enough to see my face and raises an eyebrow.

"I-i I thought.... But you... Wait? Why did you send that boy to come tell me to come here?" I look at Will dead in the eye. "Oh! You mean Simon?" He asks and I nod, at least now I know the boys name.

"Come here, Death Boy." Will takes my small hands in his big ones and tugs me towards the kitchen where we had dinner that night.

"So what did you want to tell me?" I ask once he closes the door, but Will just shrugs and sits down on the counter, I sit beside him and look to the table in front of us. "Are you still up for tomorrow?" He asks and I look at him suspiciously "Yes, I am. Was that the reason why you called me here, Sunshine?" I raise an eyebrow and he shrugs. "Maybe..." He trails off and I look at him in complete disbelief.

"Will Solace, I thought something bad had happened to you and came in here as fast as I could cause Simon said it was urgent and you ask if I'm still up for the date?" I turn my head to look at him and keep my voice down and try not to be harsh. That wouldn't be polite at all.

"Do you really want to know why I called you here?" Will asks. A playful smile on his lips and I nod.
Will hops off of the counter and stands in front of me. He gets closer and closer to me, making me shift uncomfortably on the counter.
I can feel his hot breath on my neck and his curls tickling my skin.
"I missed you, Death Boy." My breath hitch as his lips brush my jawline and my eyes widen.
"Didn't you miss me too?" Will asks and I shiver.

"I-I missed you too, Sunshine." I say and he pulls away smirking. "Good. Now I better go work. See you tomorrow, Death Boy." He says giving me a small peck on the lips and going away from the room.

Ugh! I swear this boy will be the death of me. I get off from the counter and make my way out of the infirmary and back to my cabin. I might as well get some more sleep.

If I couldn't then I could have a Percy.
Or a Jason.
Or a Frank.
Or one of the Stoll brothers
Or Luke... If he was still alive...
Not a Nico tho, he's Will's.

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