Nico, Go To Hell

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*A Few Weeks Later*

It's been two weeks since Will asked me to be his boyfriend and I think I have been getting better. I talk more, I smile more and I am even laughing... Well, at least only when I'm around Will, Jason or Percy. My depressive thoughts are less frequent than they were, but they are still there, everyday. I just managed to put them aside for a while.

In two days, Will is leaving Camp Half-Blood and going back home. Jason already left with Piper and Percy went a week ago. Sally missed him a lot and she wanted to have Annabeth and her son over for a while before they had to go to school.

"Hey, Death Boy!" Will barges into my cabin and I give him a peck on the lips. "Hello, Sunshine." I tug Will onto the bed we never got the chance to change. He lays down on my bed and pulls me on top of him by my waist. "So, Death Boy, I've been wondering for a while now. What are you going to do now that the summer ended?" He asks and I shrug. "I don't know. I'm thinking about visiting Hazel and Reyna or something."

"What if you came to school with me?" Will asks and stand up quickly. "No" I answer as fast as I can. "Why not? This would be really good for you, Nico. You could start a new life there! Meet new people, make new friends. Not only me, Jason and Percy. Or Hazel and Reyna occasionally." Will says sitting down and I shake my head vigorously "No. I don't need it. I'm fine. I'm okay, can't you see? I'm much better than how I was before"

"Nico, you are not okay. Stop lying to yourself. I can see trough you. Sure you are better than a month ago, but you still have a long road to walk. I understand if you-" Will says, his voice getting louder. "No you do not understand, Will! You have never gone through something like that. I lost everyone I had, I had to go through Tartarus and stay on that jar, only eating a seed of pomegranates to keep me alive ALONE. This is the problem, Will, I have gone almost my whole life alone, so excuse me if I have a problem with getting along with people!" I exasperate. Will gets closer to me, tugging at his hair in frustration.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, NICO? I'M ONLY TRYING TO HELP!" He screams at me, for the first time. And it hurts... A lot. "I don't need your help." I answer with the same time as I was using before, I'm not going to scream. I was taught well.

"YES YOU DO! Gods! Can't you see it Nico? You are breaking slowly and I'm not going to just stand and watch as you shatter." Will's gentle and caring eyes are now hard and cold.

"My answer is still no" I say expressionless. There is something that Will and I are completely opposites: Will always shows his emotions while I'm always hard to decipher and expressionless. This is probably one of the causes of almost every fight we had. Will hates the fact that he never knows what I am feeling and I don't let him even try. I know I am wrong for doing that, but I'm just scared to open up.

"I'm tired of this! I'm the only one who tries. I try so much for our relationship to work, but how can it when you can't even trust me or let me help you. I'm tired of being the only one who wants us to work out!" Will exasperates.

"Then why don't you just leave me?" I ask, not in a sarcastic or rude way. It's just a question that I admit to have asked myself before, but I guess Will thought I was being ironic.

"SCREW IT! SCREW EVERYTHING! NICO, GO TO HELL!" My face falls as soon as these three words leave Will's mouth, but I quickly recompose myself.

"Okay, then." I whisper. Taking one step back I take one last look at Will, taking in all his features, before letting the shadows involve me as I feel myself slowly fading away from my Sunshine.

A.N.: *hides in a super secret place where you can't ever find me* I'm so sorry, please don't kill me!!

Lol jk jk, I'm not really sorry for that.

But I still love y'all xx

Also thanks to My Chemical Romance for making songs that make me have depressive thoughts and come up with bad ideas. I blame them.

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