Hey, Death Boy

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"Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me go. 'Cause I'm tired of feeling alone" I hear his voice sing softly as my eyes flutter open. I can feel him playing with my hair cautiously, probably not wanting to wake me up. That's if he knows that I am consious now. I decide to stay quiet and just enjoy his presence for a while. I still feel tired and weak from everything that happened and Suns- I mean- Will seems to help me get better. After a while, Will stops singing and the room grows quiet. I think he is going to get up and leave and I prepare myself to let him go. However, Will holds me closer to him, his hands that were once on my hair are now tightly wrapped around my waist and back, pulling me to him.

"Hey, Death Boy." He whispers softly, I can hear the hurt and the sadness in his voice "I don't know if you can hear me or not, but-" Will stops talking as he tries to hold in his sobs, he is crying now and althogh I feel the need to open my eyes and hug him, tell him I'm back, I can't. I need to hear what he is going to say, I need to hear how he feels, because if I interrupt him now, he will never finish what he was going to say and never tell me how he feels. "I love you, Death Boy. I love you! And I'm so sorry for everything I said on that day. I know that it is my fault that all of this happened to you. I never wanted you to be hurt, I never wanted you to start fading away, and I never wanted you to leave me. I'm nothing without you, Nico. I need you. I need to hear your voice, your laugh, see your face. I want you to be happy and feel loved, because I love you. Even if all of your flaws I love you and I know that can't be without you. A person who is as good as you should never go through so much."

I almost let out a gasp at his words. Is it real or am I dreaming? I want to get up from my position and just melt into Will's embrace, see his smile again, but I know that I shouldn't. I know that deep down inside, Will doesn't want me to hear all of this, he is opening his heart to me because he doesn't know that I'm awake. Nonetheless, I don't know what to say to him. Shall I just get up and kiss him? But what if he doesn't love me for real, maybe he think he does, but later he could realise that I am not what he thought I was. Or maybe he just feels guilty and think that he caused it. If he does, he is wrong, though. None of these is his fault, he coudn't have changed it even if he wanted, I AM a child of Hades after all, I was born to suffer.

"It should have been me, not you." I hear Will whisper and he gives me a peck on the forehead. "I'll be back later, Death Boy. I want to be the first one you see when you wake up." And with a sigh, Will gently picks me up and places me on the bed and off of him. I instantly feel the warmth leave my body and coldness envolts me. I feel the bed shift as Will gets off of it and I hear as the door opens and I can't hold it any longer. I can't just let my Sunshine walk away feeling so sad, so hurt. I don't want to see him in pain, I want Will to be happy.

"Will" I barely whisper. My throat hurts and feels dry. "Nico." He breathes out closing the door behind him. He walks to the bed without breaking eye contact, my eyes start to water up and I let a few tears fall down from my eyes and I don't even know why I am crying. I guess it's because I missed Will a lot and just to see him makes me feel emotional. Will stands next to the bed just staring down at me for a while before taking me into his arms and hugging me tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Nico." He whispers brushing his fingers up and down my back, giving me goosebumps. "I'm sorry too." I answer on the same tone, trying to ignore the pain in my body as Will holds me. "What are you sorry for?" He asks leaning away a bit to see my face "For leaving you. For hurting you." I say and Will shakes his head. "You had all the right to, Nico." Will is now silently crying, and I pull him back in a hug. I need to feel him, his presence and make sure that I am not dreaming. We just stand there on the bed, holding each other and crying, not talking and I decide to not touch on the subject that I heard what he said earlier today. Right now, I just want to enjoy Will, because I know that once we let all that happened sink in, our relationship will never be the same.

That's if we are still together and if Will wants us to be together even if he said that he loved me, because I do. I need Will in my life.

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