Why Do You Have This Creepy Smile On Your Face?

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"Hey, Nico! I was wondering if... Why do you have this creepy smile on your face?" Jason bursts into my room, interrupting my little daydream.

"You were wondering if..." I trail off, hoping he gets the hint that I don't want to talk about that subject.

"Oh yeah! I was wondering if maybe we could go to my cabin and invite the others for a party! And if you want, Will can come too, maybe you could have a little fun..." He adds the last part smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. I throw a pillow at him, which he dodges and throws it back on the bed.

"Jason, I can't leave the infirmary until tomorrow, doctors orders." I say mocking Will and smiling slightly at the thought of him. "I've known you for years and this is the first time I see you smiling twice in less than 12 hours. What happened to Nico Di Angelo?" Jason exasperates and I roll my eyes at him.

Oh nothing much, y'know. I just had my first kiss with Will, nothing to worry about. I mentally answer.

"Seriously, Nico. What happened?" Jason asks with a serious face and sits on the bed. "Willkissedme." I say it all in one breath. Jason's eyes widen "You and Will WHAT?" He screams and I pull my hand over his mouth "Shhhh someone might hear you!" He chuckles and I let go of him.

"Wow! That was fast, I thought I'd have to keep giving Will indirects for a while until he caught on that." Wait what? "Jason, for Hades! What did you do?" I ask frowning and he shrugs "I just gave Will some cool ideas and all... But are you going to ask him out?" Jason asks changing the subject.

"Obviously no and I don't think he's going to either. I also don't want to. I barely know the guy." I shrug. "You'll never know if you don't try, Nico. Also what bad could one date do?" Jason asks as if it's nothing, but for me this is a huge deal.

A lot of bad things could happen, I'm a son of Hades for Gods sake! Even though my father wanted me to be an exception and be happy, I know that it is not possible. My happiness only stays for a while, before something really bad happens, specially with my loved ones. That is one of the reasons why I refuse myself to grow closer to Will. I'll end up hurting him and me.

A.N.: hey! How are you? I was rereading your comments (bc I love reading them) and some of them are really funny and others are so cute!! Thank you so much for reading this, I hope that you're liking it so far!! Oh and don't forget to vote ;)
Also all Creds from the pic to the side for Instagram

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