Strong Enough

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I close my eyes and let the Shadows take me away from there, before the lion could jump on me. I feel myself vanishing into darkness. I probably shouldn't have shadow travelled so much in the past month, I can feel as I am being ripped off in a half and slowly disappearing. That's it. I think to myself. Maybe this is how everything is going to end.

Suddenly, I see a small spot of light in front of me and I crash on the ground. I try to stand still, even with all the pain that I feel. It is excruciating. I grab my stomach with my left arm, since I can't move the right one. My head is pounding and to me, everything is spinning. I cannot focus, I can't see where I am properly. What if I am attacked again? How am I going to be able to fight?

I see a figure moving around. I try to concentrate on what it is, but the hardest I try, more painful I feel. "Nico?" I hear the figure whisper and I recognise the voice within a second: Will. "Wi-wi" I try to say his name, call out for help, but I can't. I let my eyes flutter closed, not having enough strength to keep it up and feel my body falling to the ground. I wait for the hit and the pain, but something caught me in mid air. I can feel Will's arms wrap tightly around me. "Hey, Death Boy! Don't worry, I've got you." Will whispers brushing my hair out of my face. "Will?" I ask opening my eyes slightly, as much as I could, but regret it when I take in his features. Will has dark bags under his eyes and I can see his cheekbones, he is so skinny now. I let a tear fall out of my eye at seeing how bad Will looks, his eyes show sadness and hurt. "I'm so so so sorry, baby" Will says softly capturing the tear with his thumb. "I-i" I want to say that I'm sorry for leaving, that I'm sorry for everything that I made him go through, that I missed him so much, but my voice fails again and for a while I can't see or hear anything. I try fighting back, to stay conscious and see Will, but doesn't seem to help anything. After a while of trying, it gets to painful for me, I can't do it anymore, I'm not strong enough.

"I'm going to help you, Nico. I'll make you better." Were the last words that I heard before the shadows consumed me. And I feel in peace, the numbness feels somewhat comforting after all the pain that I have been in. I can't feel anything, I can't move, I can't see. However this feels relaxing. Is it how dying feels like? I ask myself as I gradually am taken to unconsciousness.

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