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After having finally collected all my gifts, we decided to head on out from the mall. The remaining gifts were: a knee high, royal blue to white faded dress with hand embroidery throughout it, with the dress were matching heels, and a beautiful blue purse. In addition to these, there were two other gifts, one was a brand new phone, also in the colour blue, and the final gift was yet to be found.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"No where too special, just wait." I looked at Emmalee with a pout. "You have got to stop with that poutty face, it's not going to work on me."

"Oh come on Emm! Just tell meeeeeee! Where are we going?"

"We're going out. To party."

"Oooookay... where though?"

"Luke put on some music!"

"NO! First te-" and just like that, I was tuned out by the sound of music. I let my head fall against the cars back seat window, just behind the driver seat. I looked out at the sites as we passed by them all whilst thinking how lucky I was to have such wonderful friend. A smile formed on my face as I rolled down the window just a tad to let in the fresh air from outside. 

*** Ashton *** 

"Do we have everything in place for Elena? I want this to be the perfect night for her."

"Don't worry Ash, it's all put together, but why the hell aren't you dressed yet?" Selena looked at me with her eyebrow raised. "Get the hell up back to your room and get dressed! For heavens sake. Elena's only 30 minutes away from home."

"I would, but, we kind of have an issue..." Selena and Ashley look at me with their heads slightly tilted to the side, and on I went explaining to them about how Maria was tied up upstairs.

"Hold the fuck up!" Ashley looks at me panicked. "You mean to tell me that Elena's in danger and none of you dimwits told her! What the hells the matter with you shit heads." She smacked me on the back of the head.

"What the hell Ashley."

"Don't you dare what the hell me mister. You guys are sitting at home trying to figure this shit out while she's OUT AT THE MALL! She could get kidnapped on the way over here for all we know, AND IT DIDN'T OCCUR TO YOU TO TELL LUKE OR EMMALEE ABOUT ANY OF THIS! Are you dumb or what Ashton? Seriously man! How oblivious can a person be?" She took out her phone and dialed a number.

"Who you calling?" Selena asked full of anxiety.

"I'm calling Luke. Lets just pray to god that nothing happ- Hey! Okay, listen to me VERY carefully, and DO NOT freak out, or let Elena know about ANY of this. Do I make myself clear?" As she was explaining everything to Luke, Selena started up an argument with me. 

"Well I'm sorry for not thinking of all the outcomes, at the moment all I could think was to find out who the person is."

"And it didn't even occur to you that she's out there on a treasure hunt!"

"I know, I know. But I didn't even know about any of this up until an hour ago! Tyler, Chase, and Josh are to be blamed too you know."

"Oh, they'll be getting a hell lot from us too, don't you worry about that." Selena turned to Ashley as she walked back over to us. "So? What did you tell Luke?"

"Well, I told him to keep an eye out, and to drive home as quickly as he possibly can because of the whole crap."

"What'd he say?"

"Nothing, cause I told him not to cause a scene or let Elena or Emmalee even get the slightest hint that anything is going on. He's only 15 minutes away, but the line hung up in between, I'm going to redial him and stay on call until they reach home. Seriously though Ashton, I would think you'd have a brain. Jesus, and where the fuck is Tyler?"

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