The shock

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"I cannot believe you guys hid this from me are you fucken nuts!"

"Tyler didn't want to worry you."

"Not worry me? Oh, how fucken thoughtful! Elena's fucken life is on the line here and you guys thought it would be a fucken fantastic idea to keep shit like this hidden from me!" I walk to the chair in which Maria is sitting, still unconscious. I shake her. "WAKE UP YOU FUCKEN BITCH! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I eventually went to the kitchen grabbed some water in a glass and brought it back to the room and threw it in her face. She groaned and slowly began to regain consciousness. "Rise and shine bitch!"

I bend down in front of her and grab her face. "Listen here and listen well you bitch. If anything happens to Elena, I will strangle you to death myself. Do I make myself clear!?" She nods slightly. "Now let's have a little chat shall we."


"How much longer is all this gonna take?" I ask sitting impatiently in the chair. My back was starting to hurt at this point. I wanted to get up and stretch but I couldn't

"Just a little longer."

"What the hell is the point of all this. Seriously Emmalee. And don't say you can't tell me."

"Well I can't. Cause it's a surprise." I groan. I really don't like surprises but guess I don't have any choice but to wait it out and see what it is that they planned for me.

"Can I at least see how my makeup and hair look?"

"Not until the finishing touches have been added."

"Seriously Emm!" I sigh loudly and sit there quietly as the girl finished up with my hairdo.

"Alright love, are you ready to take a look?" I nod, closing my eyes. She spun the chair around so I was facing the mirror. I slowly opened my eyes and took a look in the mirror. I was stunned. I didn't have any words. I looked great. My hair was up in a bun, flowers wrapped around the bun. Hair was curled. A few strands were left out for bangs. My makeup was a subtle, natural tone. Absolutely astonishing. A golden honey colour for the eye-shadow. Lip-gloss for the lips, because I am not one who's really into makeup.

"Wow." I said slightly touching my lose strands of hair, moving them out of my face. "This is... thank you." I tear up a bit.

"oh you're very welcome sweetheart. Now ready for the next surprise?"

"There's more? How many more surprises are left?" I look at Emm, giving her a glare.

"Umm just like 9 more..."

"NINE! Emm you can't be serious. I am exhausted. Can't we just go-"

"NO! you have to collect all your items!"

"Oh god. okay, where to next?" The girl gave me yet another card with gold writing. Inside was written:

Don't forget to pamper yourself ;)

"The hell...?" I look at Emmalee. "Pamper myself with what?"

"What one thing you ALWAYS get done every 2nd or 3rd week?"

"My... NAILS! OF COURSE!" Emmalee looks at me and sighs.

"Let's go missy before the mall closes cause we still have ALOT of gifts to collect before we're done. And we both know you take a good HOUR just selecting a god damn colour and a good half an hour on the design." I giggle.

"Sorry not sorry. At least my nails look BOMB."

"Alright, alright. LETS GOOOOOOOO."

We say goodbye to the lady and I thank her once again before we walk to the nail salon.


"Now are you willing to tell me who the fuck you hired, or?" I look at her with anger. "Don't test me Maria. You know all that I am capable of. Just because I play nice, doesn't mean I am. Now speak the fuck up bitch!"

"Alright. Jeez. I uh... umm I..."

"Maria seriously! DO NOT push me to my limits. I mean it. You know if I want I can have your ass be kidnapped real quick, and ain't nobody gonna even know where the fuck you went. So unless you want to have yourself killed, you BETTER speak the fuck up. Cause you know I don't play games! You remember what happened to Dylan? That's gonna be you if you don't speak the fuck up!" I look her dead in the eyes. I could see she was scared. The fear was building up.

"It's Kayden's cousin Nathaniel. Kayden was SUPPOSED to be the one to do the job but the idiot just got released and didn't want to get involved so I told him to take a package out to someone and have him take care of it, and Kayden doesn't even have the slightest idea that the person who's helping him kill Elena is Nathaniel. Then again, everyone thinks that Nathaniel is dead. Which is a win for me. Now you know. Can you let me fucken go now?"

"Not a chance sweetie. Not after all the games you've played. I think we're gonna hold you captive until today's over."

"You asked for the information Ashton! You got it. SO just let me fucken go! It's not like there's much of anything you can do anyway to save your precious Elena. You don't know that it'll only be one guy. What if there's 5 of them? Nathaniel is never alone. He takes all precautions, and besides, how do you know when and what angle or even from where he'll shoot? Elena won't survive this night, I can promise you tha-" I chuck the glass, that was resting on the table beside her, at the mirror. She flinches as the glass hit the mirror causing both the mirror and glass to break into pieces.

"Say another word against her and I'll cut your tongue out myself. Now shut the fuck up! Tape her GODDAMN mouth again. Bitch blabbers too much and I'm sick of it." I pace the room back and forth trying to calm my nerves.

 I am going to leave ya'll hanging here for a bit. Sorry it took a while to update, but can't really do much writing when you get writers block.
Anywhom, what do you guys think so far? How are you liking it? How's the new twist on Ashton suiting you guys? Ya'll like him being a bit secretive and dark? Or do you prefer the sweet Ashton? Let me know your point of views on what's going to happen next.
Next chapter won't be up at least a month or two, it takes a while to write these, but we are almost close to the end of the book :'(.
Keep showing the love to my books you guys! Thank you. love ya'll <3

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