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"ASHTON!" I heard Luke scream from downstairs. I immediately dropped my makeup bag -that I was rummaging through to find products for Emmalee to use- and ran downstairs, only to see Ashton laying on the floor motionless as Luke and Emmalee tried to awaken him. I look at Emmalee as I felt myself go pale and sick to the stomach. Everything around me suddenly slowed down. My eyes filled with tears, making my vision blur out. Emm placed her hand on my shoulder and reassured me he'd be okay, but I didn't want to hear her, I just wanted this to be a dream that I'd awaken from any moment, but I didn't. 

Chase came running down the stairs to check in on the scene. "What happened I heard a loud thud!" 

"We don't know he just suddenly fell. We've called the paramedics, they're on their way over right now." Emmalee patted my back softly trying to calm me, but the tears just wouldn't stop. I was so terrified that he wouldn't awaken, that he was gone. For good. I eventually got out of Emmalee's grasp and ran over to Luke, who was trying to awaken Ashton by doing CPR. 

"Is there a heartbeat?" I asked choked up.

"I can barely feel it." He said as he continued with the compressions to keep his heart from failing. I looked at Ashtons body, laying there on the ground, pale, and motionless. Even though he was holding on, he wasn't really there. "How far are the paramedics?" I asked.

"About 10 minutes away." I just simply nodded as I backed away from Ashton and Luke. "I... I need to get out of here." Emmalee walked towards me as I opened the glass door and ran right out onto the beach. I ran for 10 minutes before I stopped to catch my breath. I could hear the sirens get closer and closer. I saw the lights flashing over at the house, but all I wanted to do was run from there. And so I did. I know I should have been there for Ashton, but I couldn't. I couldn't relive the trauma of losing my parents, and now the thought of losing him. So I ran as far as I could for as long as I could.

*** Chase *** 

Josh and I were looking out after Maria when we heard a loud thump come from downstairs. I told Josh to stay in the room as I went to investigate what was happening, only to find Ashton laying on the ground as Luke did CPR. Elena right behind the two of them, crying, trying to be strong, but she fled the scene. I was about to run out after her, but Emmalee grabbed my hand and told me to let her go I looked at Emmalee like what the hell, she needs us, but alas, it wasn't my call to make. 

As we patiently waited for the paramedics to arrive, I was worrying about Maria and Josh upstairs. I wanted to go make sure everything was okay, but I also had to make sure everyone down here was okay. I texted Josh to see if all was okay, while I waited for his reply, I heard the sirens get closer. I walked to the front door, opening it before they knocked on it. I held the door open as the paramedics came in with a stretcher to carry Ashton out on. I looked at the paramedics still in disbelief that any of this was happening. 

They asked Luke how long had he been down for, it'd been about 15 minutes. The paramedics put him on the stretcher and a resuscitator bag on his mouth to help him keep breathing as he wasn't able to breathe on his own. As the paramedics left, Luke and Emmalee went with. I told them I'd come in a separate car. As they left, I shut the door behind them and walked back into the kitchen to grab myself a glass of water. I put the glass down and walked back up the creaky wooden stairs. I opened the door to Tylers room, only to find Ashley and Selena there too.

"What happened?" Josh looked at me petrified. I couldn't even find the words to tell him what had just happened. "Chase?" Josh looked at me with a worried look on his face as I went and sat down on the floor beside the bed. I looked at Maria who was still unconscious.  

"Ashtons been taken to the hospital." I finally said once I got a hold of myself. "I told Emmalee we'd meet them at the hospital. Elena ran off to god knows where."

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