Small Talks

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I woke up around noon the next day. Ashton was still there beside me, his strong arm wrapped around my waist. i looked at him as he lay there softly snoring in his sleep. he looked so adorable.

I quietly watched as he inhaled and exhaled slowly. I wanted to run my hands through his hair as he lay there alseep, lost in his dreams. i wanted to leave small kisses on his neck to wake him up, but i didn't do it, instead i lay there asking myself questions.

why didn't i tell him about my feelings sooner?

Maybe if I had told him sooner, i would be with him today right?

Why? Maybe if i told him sooner, things could've been different, he would''ve been kissing me instead of her.

Just maybe.

I started to move his arm away from around my waist, instead he tightens his grip and whispers in my ear, ehich tickled.

"Stay, please?" I nod. he rest his head upon my shoulder, and was asleep before i knew ir.

It was about 1pm by the time A awoke.

"Finally, your up."

"Good afternoon to you too." I smile at him.

"So mister Ashton James Warner, what would you like to eat?"

"Hmm, i don't know. How about we go out instead?"

"serioiusly you want to take me out? and why's that? Did you all of a sudden remember that we haven't hung out as much? Did you finally remember that you have a bestfriend that REALLY needs you? Do-" He cuts me off before i even finish my other questions.

"How can i forget my bestfriend? I've known you for my whole life El! I can't foget you. Also it hasn't been that long since we last hung out."

"Really? when was the last time you hung out with me for an entire day? When did you last remember that you have a friend? you don't have an answer do you? You completely forgot about me Ash. You were so much into your gf Maria, that you forgot about me! The person who was always there for you. so no thank you, i don't want to go out for lunch, but thanks for the offer." i  can see the sadness behind his eyes, they had become a dull shade of blue, they weren't the normal blue sparkling eyes that i saw twinkle for the first time that night when i knew i was falling in love with him.

He opened his mouth to say something, bur he'd close it again, nothing came out of his mouth for a good 15 minutes. we sat there on my bed.

"I'm so sorry... i guess i... i was too caught up with being in a relationship with... maria, that i ttally forgot about you. it... it's not like i meant to... i mean i didn't... I'm sorry." he looks down at my bedsheet, and starts pulling on the loose strings. "I, i know we haven't talked as much like we used to 2 years ago-"

"you mean 3 years ago."

"- right 3 years ago. I'm so sorry, i never meant to forget you, it just... happend. I swear. Please forgive me. I guess i just wanted to spend time with Maria that i completely forgot that there was someone else in this worl who cares for me. And someone who i Care about. El i swear it wasn't in my intentions to forget you." he didn't once look at me, so i lay my head on his lap, so i could see his face.

I Fell In Love With My BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now