Set Back

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After running for some time along the shoreline, I stopped and sat down on the beach. I didn't feel like running anymore. I sat there and just cried my heart out. Looking up at the sky. "Why?" I whispered. "Why?" I curled up into a ball, my head between my knees as I let myself go. Finally after about thirty minutes or so, I gathered myself up. 'what a great start to my birthday' I said to myself as I wiped away my tears. I could tell my makeup was completely ruined at this point when a guy walked by and made a face at me, but I didn't care. All I knew was I had to get back to the house. 

I got up and stood on the sand for a moment more. I closed my eyes and relaxed myself before I walked back towards the house. I still could not believe the image of Ashton laying on the ground motionless. I tried to get the image to go away in my head by thinking of other things, but I wasn't able to. I felt my eyes water again. 

As I walked back, I saw lights flashing at the house. I couldn't understand why there would be cops and paramedics at the house still. I remember hearing the sirens when I was sitting on the beach. I ran towards the house, as I got towards the house, I saw a crowd of people outside. I made my through only to find cops blocking off the area. They had surrounded the entire house.  

"What the hell." I say looking around. "What the hells going on?" I ask an officer. 

"Sorry can't say."

"But I live here!"

"I can't let you in." I tried to argue with the officer to let me in, but he wouldn't budge. That's when I saw Tyler and I yelled for him, but he couldn't hear me from the distance. "Ma'am I'm only going to say this one more time, stop trying to argue, and scream. You must remain silent and calm. Until matters resolve, I cannot let you in." I nodded, just as I was about to reply, I heard a gun be fired. People around me began to panic and caused a commotion. I stood there, helpless. 

"Please let me in! My friends are in there." I began to break down in front of the cop. Not giving a fuck anymore. I just wanted to go inside and make sure everyone was ok. "Just let me in." I fought him, he held me back telling me to calm down. How could I calm down, my friends were inside, someone had just been shot and Ashton had also collapsed. 

After some time, once I'd calmed down, the officer finally let me go in. I wiped off the tears and stepped in the house slowly. I was scared to go in, to see one of my friends hurt but I had to be strong. As I entered into the house, I could feel the atmosphere had suddenly changed. Normally you'd hear someone laughing or fighting, but it was dead silent instead. I wanted to turn around and just leave, but what kind of friend would I be if I did that? So instead, I steadied myself before I walked any further. I walked to the mirror that hung at the entrance of the house to take a look at myself, and fix up my face. As I wiped off the runny mascara, I heard soft cries from upstairs. 

I walked on the dark, creaky wooden floors, making my way to the stairs. Once I'd finally reached upstairs, I slightly cracked open the door to Tyler's room where the voices were coming from. I peeked into the room slightly as someone pulled the door open on the other end. Everyone's eyes were filled with tears, and were puffy from all the crying. I couldn't hold back the tears, even though I was trying to be strong. Josh immediately hugged me and held me as I broke down in tears. 

"Where the hell were you?" Selena asked choked up, still crying. "We needed you."

"I'm so sorry" I say as I crawl over next her and hug her tightly. I look up behind her to see blood on the wall. "What happened?" I look at the boys, but none of them could seem to find the words to respond.

"It was Chase... He got shot and we don't know if he'll make it." Selena burst into tears as I let the words repeat themselves in my mind. I could not believe what I was hearing. Chase was shot. As if it weren't already bad enough that Ashton had fallen earlier today. 

"Where's the rest of the group?" I asked wiping my tears. I could not cope with loss anymore, so I decided I no longer need emotions, and turned them off. I got up off the floor and straightened out my dress. "Well? Where are they?" I asked confidentially without any tears, or getting choked up.

"The hospital." Josh sighed still sniffling. 

"Okay, lets get changed and head on over there. We all need to be together, and you can tell me exactly what the hell went down on the way. Now stop mopping around and get your smiles on people, we can't be sad! We have to be strong for Ashton and Chase." As I said the words, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold down the fort and be strong, I knew I'd end up crying alone, but someone had to lead and hold it together. "Come on! Lets go!" I clapped my hands getting their attention. 

Immediately after having freshened up and dressed, we hopped into the cab we'd called. Lets be honest, none of us were in any condition to be driving. As we were driving down to the hospital, Selena told me the story in the very back seat of what had happened. She spoke in a low, hushed tone so the driver wouldn't hear us, even though his music was playing. 

I couldn't believe anything that Selena was telling me about Ashley, or the fact that they were trying to kill me all cause people were feeling sympathetic towards me for having lost my parents. It's not like I asked for any of this. I never asked to be alone in this god forsaken world. It's tough, but some don't get that. They think I just do whatever to get sympathy, when I don't. That's not the person I am. It's hard being alone. I feel like I have no one in this world, even when I have so many amazing friends who are family to me. It's still not the same. Cause a parents love is different. I crave for that, but I don't go around trying to get it. People act sympathetic because they choose to, I don't ask they show any kind of emotions towards me. I want people to stop feeling sorry for me, because I'm capable of being able to do shit on my own, and I can always rely on Ashton and his family if anything. 

 I was shocked at all that Selena told me. I had no words for all the things I'd just heard. The fact that they tried to pin it all on Chase made me angry. I couldn't believe that Ashley was involved in any of this, she was the one person I used to talk to about anything because I thought she actually cared... Guess I should have caught on as to why she was so interested in my life story, always asking me about Ashton, asking me how I was doing without my parents, etc. It was all a coy to keep me busy so Maria could spend time with Ashton. I never even tried to stand in her way, I could have considering the way she used to treat me, but instead I chose to keep my distance. I never told Ashton to go and break up with her either, I don't understand why she thinks I'd ask him to do that. He broke up with her on his own Will. 

It's funny how people will put the blame on others, but never look at how they treated that person. In my case, I could have easily been the villain and gone to Ashton and told him exactly what Maria had done to me over the years, but I stayed quiet and out of their way, because he was happy, but the fact that Maria went to the lengths of having me out of the way to have him to herself is fucked. I mean I get it, people don't like me very much. I have the unwanted popularity, people showing concern towards me, etc. But is it my fault? Really? 

Once we'd reached the hospital, we paid the cab driver and bolted inside to the main reception. Once we were able to find it, we asked the nurse which rooms Ashton and Chase were in. We were able to get the whereabouts of Ashton but nothing for Chase, so we texted Tyler as he was the one to go with Chase in the ambulance after the shooting. 

Hey! Are you and Chase at the Kindred Hospital?

Yea, Chase is in the ICU unit at the moment. 

Where are you right now?

In the cafeteria. 

As we headed down to the cafeteria, I couldn't help but get this ill feeling in my guts as though something wasn't right. As if Chase wasn't going to make it out of this. I can sometimes tell when something isn't right, and I always listen to my intuition, but this time I chose to ignore it, cause I didn't want to be right, but deep down I knew something was very wrong. 

Once again! I'm going to leave you guys hanging for more! Do you think Chase will survive, or will Elena's gut feelings be right about something bad happening to him? Will Ashton awaken? Or will he end up in a coma? Will there be a happy ever after for Ashton and Elena? Or will it end in tragedy? Lemme know what you guys think in the comments! Until next time lovelies! Byeeeee 

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