Find the Suspect

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As we were trying to gather our thoughts of who the suspect could possibly be, Elena arrived outside.

"Okay listen up, you all go get ready and don't let Elena suspect a thing. We must act as normal as possible around her. I don't want to frighten her or ruin her big day." Selena and Ashley nod their heads at me and run off to get dressed. I immediately grab the TV remote that was lying around on the couch and turned it and fumbled around on Netflix. As soon as I heard the door unlock, I shot Chase a message "Keep Tyler's room locked and don't make any noise Elena's home!"  Elena entered in and walked right into the living room where I was sitting. 

"Whatcha doin?" she asked smiling at me adorably. 

"Oh just tryna find a movie to watch, you wanna join in?"

"Sure why not! I mean unlike SOME people I'm already dressed to go out." She turned and looked at Emmalee with a grin on her face. "Would you slow pokes hurry it up I wanna PARTY!" I looked at Elena and laughed at how adorable she was. "What are you laughing at mister, you're not ready either. Aren't you going?"

"Oh no, I can't sorry. Work calls."

"What work? You don't work." She looked at me with her left eyebrow raised as she walked over and sat down next to me. "What the hell are you up to Warner."

"Nothing, I swear! Mom just asked me to go take care of some business for her since she can't attend to it herself."

"Mmhm, sure. Whatever you say. I'm watching you Warner. No funny business mister! AND NO presents!"

"We shall missy. We. Shall. See."

"If you two love birds are done with your talks, I need Elena's help with a dress."

"Firstly Emmalee, we aren't love birds, and secondly by all means take her before she bombards me with her idiotic questions." I smile at her.

"Warner, you are very lucky that I've decided to turn a new leaf just for today! But don't worry I can always get my payback tomorrow."

"I look forward to it Ms. Collins. Now you have a good evening. buh-bye!" I waved at Elena as she got off the couch and made her way up. My heart was pounding against my chest, I was almost certain at one point that Elena would catch on. 

"You two are really something." Luke said, causing me to jump a little. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you bud."

"It's fine, shouldn't you be getting ready too?"

"Nah I'm just gonna go in this outfit." I look at him head to toe. He was wearing faded out blue jeans that had a hole by his the right side of his thigh. He was wearing a white shirt that had a stain on the left side, which he'd attempted to cover up with his blue jean jacket. I sigh and roll my eyes at Luke. 

"Dude, seriously, go find a better fit than that. For gods sake, you have a hole in your jeans and a stain on your shirt. That is not a party outfit on any level."

"Fine let me finish eating my doughnut, but what's the plan for rest of the evening?" He asked jumping over from behind the couch and landing right beside me.

"We continue as planned. Nothing changes, but make sure to keep an eye on Elena. Don't let her out of your sight. I can't trust Chase or Josh. I have a feeling one of the two are involved in this."

"And you don't suspect me?" He looks up at me after taking a bite out of his doughnut, a drop of the jelly fell onto his shirt, and he picked it up with his finger and then licked his finger clean.

"Have you seen yourself in the mirror? But the answers no, cause you don't have what it takes, besides we've been neighbors since I moved down there. How could I suspect you?"

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