Got Dumped

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I woke up early the next morning, at around 10 am. Ash was lyin beside me, half of his body was on the bed, while the other half was on the floor. All the times i've been to Ash's house, he was usually asleep in the exact position. His head, left arm, and left leg on the floor, while his right side was on the bed. I giggle and sit up straight, grab the edge of my bed, put my feet against his back, and put all the force i can to throw him off the bed, He lands face first, making a 'thud' sound. i laugh in a whisper.

"OUCH!" he groans, as i try my best not to laugh at him. "WHAT THE HELL ELENA CRYSTAL COLLINS! YOURE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE YOUNG LADY! THAT HURT!" I burt out laughin, cause he's never said my full name before, and now that he has, it sounds hilarious!

"A-Ashton." I was barely able to say his name, i was laughing so hard, that i fell off the bed myself. "Ouch that hurt."

"Aw did someone get an owie?" Ashton asks, more like states the fact.

"Ashton James Warner, you do not want to mess with me."

"Belive me, no one wants to mess with you. Bow down to the karate champion." He got up bowed down to me, and sat back down. I walk over beside him and smack him hard, but lightly on the back of his head. "Shut Up Jerk!"

"So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Maybe go see a movie?"

"Alright. You're choosing tho, cause we all know what my choices are. Action."

"Alright, then I choose Romance!"

"Eww. Romance? Are ya kiddin' me El?"

"No I'm serious! I want to watch a romance movie."

"Okay, but quick question." I nod my head, "Why are you all of a sudden wanting to watch romance?"

"Just so you know Mr.Warner, I love Romance movies, and books. And that's a fact. What kind of friend are you? you can't even remember one simple thing. How are you gonna remember my bday?"

"For your information Ms.Collins, I know that you love romance stories and movies, and what kind of friend would I be if I forget your birthday? A really terrible one. I can't forget your birthday." A big grin appears on my face and I hug him tight, he hugs back chuckling.

"What?" I ask looking at him with my deadly eyes.

"Nothing. You're... Just adorable." At that point I seemed to have been blushing. Ash was poking my cheeks, and a huge smile was plastered onto his face.

"What are you so happy about?"

"Huh? Nothing really. I'm just glad that you came into my life."

"Oh shut up. I know that's not the truth. what's up with you anyway?"

"To be honest I really don't know." He looked at me with a glow in his eyes. I couldn't help but stare.

'Stop looking at him'

'I can't'

'Yes you can, but you wont'

'Who cares he's adorable'

'Yeah but you've been staring for a bit too long.'

I hadn't realized id been starring at him for about 2 minutes, I quickly looked away and was blushing hard.

"Look at you, you're as red as a tomato!" Ashton chuckles as I slightly smile and turn away.

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