Solve The Riddles (P.2)

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We walked int the gift shop, and the lady working there seemed to be the manager, was holding a puppy in her arms. She looked my way and spoke in a gentle tone. "Welcome to the gift shop." I gave her a generous smile, "your big gift awaits for you in the back." I look at her with a puzzled look on my face.

"Umm.. You wouldn't happen to know who set all this up?"

"I sure do, but I can't say anything to you." I nod. "However, I can give you this," She hands me a key chain that had a collage of pictures of me with all my friends . Whoever was the one in charge for setting all this up knew my favourite items, which the only person I could think of was Ashton. Emmalee tugs at clothing from behind as I was thinking why anyone would do such a generous and wonderful thing for me. 

"What?" I ask a little annoyed. 

"Let's go to the back." she says all hyped up. I look around in the shop as Emmalee pushes me from behind and takes me to the back of the shop. I wonder if Ashton was behind all this, but if he were behind all this, I would know, he's not one to keep things, especially from me. 

"Oh look! There's another clue" she points to the piece of paper that was sitting there on a stack  of other papers. I walk over and pick up the paper. It had my name written on the front in gold. In it was written:

I'm tiny and sometimes fierce, but almost everyone loves me. What am I?

I look around the room for another clue, but I didn't notice anything that is until Emmalee moved from her spot. Behind her was a box, half her size, with a couple of holes in it. It was spray painted in blue. The label on the box was in cursive, and it read 'Elena'. I walk over to the box scared that there might be someone in there waiting to jump jump out at me. 

I open the box ever so carefully, and I see balloons  fly up. Under the balloons was a tiny puppy. I pick  up the tiny puppy and hold it in my hands. I was feeling overwhelmed. I don't understand why anyone would want to do all this for me. 

"OMG HE'S SO CUTE!" Emmalee says looking at me. "LEMME HOLD HIM!" I hand her the puppy as I investigate the box further for any other clues. I tilt the box on the side and under it was another riddle. 

You found me! Now call out 'hey google.'

"What?" I say aloud giggling. "This doesn't make any sense." I give the note to Josh. 

"Call it out like it says."

"But... That's weird!"

"Just do it!"


"HEY GOOGLE!" Emmalee shouts. All of a sudden a 'ding' went off in the back followed by 'how can I help you?' I let out a scream and hide behind Luke.


"Google." Emmalee says before she bursts into laughter.

"What do you mean 'google.'"

"It's google home." Luke says laughing too. "Call her out again."

"No!" Once again, Emmalee calls out google, and I give her the death stare.

"Follow the voice, and claim the prize! GO!" Josh pushed me. I follow her voice, and there it was another card with my name labelled in gold. under the card was a phone case and google home. I collect the two items before opening the card. It read:

Excellent work! You found your way home, now, if we get bored, where do we always go? Just to mess around or eat tons?

It hit me right away, "THE MALL!" I said running back to Emmalee and Josh. "the next stop is the mall."

"Okay, let's go then!"

"Wait, there's something on the back of the card." I flip the card over, and upside down, and there was written.

Clue: bling

"Bling? What the hell does 'bling' mean?" 

"Jewellery piece. DUH!" Josh rolls his eyes.

"How would you know that?"

"I just do okay, now lets go!"

We exit the shop, wave bye to the lady that seemed to be the owner, and got into the vehicle. 

Do you want me to continue this book? PM if you think I should! 
Anyways, let me know what you think about this chapter? And what surprise Ashton has waiting for Elena? Do you think he will be able to confess or will something terrible happen to him? LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS IN THE COMMENTS!! <3

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