Almost Kissed

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I was at home with Emmalee, the two of us were watching the show 'The Voice' on my 18'' TV.

"Hey Emm?"


"Umm what were you and the others talking about at school, while Luke and Ashton were distracting me?"

"Oh that, it' nothing really."

"Didn't seem like nothing to me... come on Emm tell me what were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing, really!"

"O my Gosh, did you guys tell A that I love him!" My head was pounding, I was worried, I really hope they didn't te!ll Ashton about my feelings for him, it would be a disaster.

"No, of course not!"

"Then what were you guys talking about!?"

"We can't tell you, Ash, or Luke El, I'm sorry."

"Fine don't." I stormed straight up to my room, and shut the door behind me. I had a pink carpet, a study desk, with a pink lamp and some writing materials, my books on top. I sat on my bed, it had orange covers on it, I lay down on my bed, looking at the ceiling, I turned on my music and put on 'Disconnected' by 5SOS. Emm was pounding on the door.

"Elena open up the door, please!?" She kept pounding, I tried my best not to pay any attention. I gave in and opened up the door.

"What?" She just hugs me, I stand there with my hands by my side.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. I'll tell you about the thing we were talking about at school, when the time comes, but I can't tell you right now." I nod my head, I wonder what all of them were up to.

"Well I'm gonna call Ashton over k?"

"Yeah sure, it is your house do whatever you want to." I laugh and call Ashton, he didn't pick up, I called him another 3 times, he finally answered.

"Hey El, sorry I was taking a shower."

"It's k. Hey you want to come over and hang out?"

"Umm sure."

"Cool." I hung up the phone and ran to my room, I quickly changed. I threw on a full sleeved shirt with blue skinny jeans. Ashton doesn't live too far, only 2 blocks away from me. I heard the knock on the door, I rushed down the stairs as I tumbled a little, and fell straight on my bum. Emmalee opened the door and let Ashton in, I quickly got up, Emmalee was laughing at me.

"What's so funny?" A asked looking confused at me and Emmalee.

"El fell straight on her bum when she was running down the stairs to open the front door." All three of us were laughing. We walked to the living room and sat down.

"What are you guys watching!?" Ash asks looking at the tv.

"umm 'The Voice.'" Emmalee and I blurt out at the same time.

"Well change it I'm not wanting to watch it."

"No! We want to watch it."

"Well I don't." He grabs the remote out of Emmalee's hand and puts on 'Big Bang Theory' I hate that show so much! I look at Ash and pout he had his arm wrapped around my shoulders. He looks down.

"Okay, okay ill put your boring show back on. No one can resist that pout." He laughs and puts on the show.

After the show ended I walked up to my room and lay down, leaving Emm and Ash.

"Hey Emm, does El know about her surprise?''

"No and don't ruin the surprise by telling her."

"What is the surprise anyway?"

"Well we were planning on throwing her a surprise party, but you know how she is. She's never celebrated after her parents died. You need to convince her by telling her you two have to go to a party."

"How will I do that?"

"I don't know just come up with something egghead! And you should go up and checkup on El, she hardly comes out of her room."

"Fine i'll think of something, and what does she do in her room, I wonder." I got up and walked into El's room she way lying on the bed her face towards the wall. I walked over to the bed and lay down beside her, she was sobbing, she gasped at my touch. She slowly turned her face, and I could see her face was covered in tears, I wiped them away.

"Why's my bestfriend crying?"

"N-No reason."

"El? Tell me, please, or you'll make me cry."

"Ha-ha Ash. I-I just m-miss my parents." I hug her tighter, I let her rest her head on my chest as she sobs. I stroke her hair as she continued crying.


"BYE EMM, AND COULD YOU LOCK THE DOOR BEFORE YOU LEAVE? THANKS." I yell back downstairs. Emmalee left now it was just me and Elena.

I didn't know how to do to stop her from crying, so I just kissed her on the cheek. She instantly stopped crying and looked up at me. There was something in her eyes, that I couldn't quite figure out. I kissed her cheek again, this time she sat up straight, and looked straight at me. I lean in to kiss her as she moves back.

"A-Ash, you have a girlfriend." She quickly reminds me. I look at her and then I come back to reality.

holy crap! was I just about to kiss her!?

No shit Sherlock! what else were you about to do?

thank gosh I didn't kiss her.

*Elena's P.O.V*

My heart was racing as he leaned in to kiss me, just as our lips were about to touch, my stupid brain reminded me Ash had a girlfriend, I quickly moved away from him.

"A-Ash you have girlfriend." I quickly say. He looks at me, then sits up.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles in a whisper. 'But I'm not.' I say in my mind. I look into his eyes, they were back to their normal colour. I sat there waiting for him to say something.

"I didn't know how to stop you from crying and this was the only thing that came to my mind, I'm sorry El." He says with his head down in shame. I force him to look at me.

"It's okay Ash, you didn't kiss me, and no one else knows about this. Okay? It will stay between only you and me." He nods his head and wraps his arms around my waist as he pulled me into a hug. I slightly smiled and hugged back.

I Fell In Love With My BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now