Who's that?

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The windows on the black Mazda were tinted black. It was hard to see who was sitting behind the wheels. I could see two figures, but I couldn't tell who it was. Everyone was murmuring wanting to know who's behind the wheels. The passenger sides door swings open. We notice a pair of legs, from what we could tell, it was a girl since the person was wearing heels. When she stepped out of the car, I was left speechless. There she stood in her blue dress which went from dark to light. Her light brown caramel hair shone in the sunlight along with her hazel green eyes. She was that perfect size of skinny. Good enough to be a model. Her skin tone was a pale white, but she looked gorgeous as ever. She's like the sister I always wished for.

She approached me and i stood there a moment. Stunned that she was here. Immediately, I swung my arms around her and hugged her tightly, allowing the tears to fall willfully. She chuckled and hugged me back.

"Surprise" she finally says I don't respond. Instead a small giggle slips out. She backs out from the hug, still holding my hand. "Lemme get a good look, I haven't seen you in forever."

"It has been two years." I reply chocked up.

"Aw man. I didn't come here to make you cry. I came here as a birthday gift."

"Birthday gift?" I ask wiping away my tears.

"Indeed. Isn't your birthday in 2 days?"

"Well yes, but... Who invited you?"

"That's a secret I'll never tell. At least not for now anyways."

"Tell me."

"You'll find out soon enough. Right now I just wanna ta-"

"Who's that?" Selena points towards the person getting out from behind the drivers side.

"That is my boyfriend. Johnny." She signals for Johnny to come over, but he shakes his head slightly. Aliza marches over to him and drags him by his arm to where we all are standing. "Everyone, this is Johnny. Johnny this is everyone." He just gives a quick wave and nod. We all say hi. Right about then, Johnny's phone rings and he excuses himself. Aliza didn't seem too fond about that.

"You okay?"

"Ya. Just that he promised no business calls while we're here..." She trails off. "Anyways, were you guys heading towards the water"

"Just about." Ashton speaks up. "shall we?" He signals towards the waves as they crashed along the beach. All of us ran into the water. Everyone kept splashing each other with water or pushing one another into the water. I couldn't help but smile looking at the scene before me.

Ashton splashed water into my face. "HEYYYYYYYYYY." I shout at him. He just stands there laughing. I splash him with water and swim off, but he caught up soon enough, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me towards him.

"You know it's impossible to escape me."

"Not impossible. It's very much possible."

"It is not."

"Is too."

"Wanna bet?"

"I don't need to. Cause I kno-" He picked me up before i even finished speaking. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Winning." He laughs.

"By doing what?"

"Showing you that you can't escape me."

"You're an ass."



"Idiot." I laugh.

"You're adorable."

"I know. That's why everyone loves me."

"I don't." I say with a smirk."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. Really." He throws me into the water. "ASHTOOOOOOOON!" He swims off laughing. "ASHTON JAMES WARNER, YOU WILL DIE LATER!"

"WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT. I WON NOW, I'LL WIN AGAIN." He yells back as he swims off to join the group. I follow behind smiling at the dork I'm in love with." Johnny shortly joined us in the water.  

Okay guys, here's the next chapter. you all have been asking me to update. sorry it took a while. I've been very busy. Be patient with me. I will try to upload the chapters as soon as I can. If I can't I'm sorry, I am trying. Anyways. Let me know what you guys thought! Did you like this chapter or not?
For now I shall leave on a cliff hanger, because what's about to come up is very romantic but with tons of Drama. Hopefully you all will like it. Pc.

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