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Two days had gone by since Chase passed. I was sitting in the same spot for the two days. Not feeling hungry or anything. I barely left the room. I was having constant nightmares of losing Ashton and I would awaken in a panic.

I woke up after a few hours of napping, the clock read 9:27pm on the wall just above the door. I rubbed my eyes to see a little clearer. I look around the room and see Ashton still asleep, but the oxygen mask had come off. I panicked and called for a nurse to come into the room.

"Is everything okay hun?"

"No, his oxygen masks off, whys it off! I can't find it anywhere."

"Sweetie, sit down and relax." She sat me down in the chair, I tried to talk, but she cut me off. "He's okay, just relax, we -"

"No you don't understand! He can't breathe without it. He needs the mask." I began to cry.

"He doesn't need the mask anymore. We took the oxygen mask off him because he woke up."

"He what?" I asked sniffling, wiping away the tears from my cheeks.

"He woke up. He's okay, he's just asleep."  Ashton whimpered in pain behind the nurse.

"He's in pain. Please do something." I teared up again.

"We've given him as many meds as we could to help lessen the pain, but we can't do much more love. You can sit beside him and hold his hand if you'd like." I shook my head in fear. "He's going to need all the comfort he can get from you. Just go sit in the chair next to him. Trust me, he needs you more than ever." I looked at Ashton laying on the bed and all I could think to myself was I wish I could heal him and take his pain away. Unfortunately, I knew that wouldn't happen, so I forced myself to get up and go sit next to him. I placed my hand over his, which was still connected with wires. The nurse left the room, giving me an assuring smile that he'd be okay, but for some reason my heart was telling me otherwise.

I took my phone out from my jackets pocket and texted Tyler asking for his whereabouts. He was with the group down in the cafeteria. You can come down if you'd like or we can come up.

I'm just sitting beside Ashton, I can come though.

No we'll come up then. Has he awoken yet?

Not yet, but I'm hoping he will soon.

He shall, but in the meantime, can we bring you anything from the cafeteria? You need some food in the system.

I'm really not hungry.

Well I'm still brining you something. Don't need you passing out on the floor again.

I left him on read, didn't have the energy to argue because I knew he wouldn't listen. I put the phone away and waited for them while I placed my head on the pillow right beside him. I watched as his eyebrows furrowed due to the pain. I placed my hand on the left side of his chest. He groaned and mumbled something.

"I'm right here." I whispered as the tear rolled down my eyes and onto the pillow. "I'm right here." I saw his eyes slowly flicker open, so I sat up right. Once his eyes were fully open, he looked at me as though I was a stranger. "Hi." I said, clearing the tears off my face as quickly as possible.

"Who... are... you?" He winced in pain.

"It's me... Elena." I looked at him in despair, my heart shattering to pieces. My own best friend doesn't remember me. "Don-Don't you remember me?" I asked chocked up. He shook his head slowly. For me, it felt as though my world had fallen apart. I pulled away from him and stood up. "Oh..." Was the only thing I last said before I almost exited the room, where I bumped into Tyler and the group. He grabbed me by the shoulders.

"What happened? Why are you crying?"

"Ashton's awake."

"That's great, come on." I tried to push him off and leave the room. "El, what's wrong?" He questioned me again.

"Ashton doesn't remember me. He doesn't know who I am. He forgot about me Tyler."

"What? But that's impossible! He remembers everyone of us. How doesn't he remember you? You're his half." Selena spoke up from behind.

"I don't know. I just don't know." I heard shuffling in the back and I turned around to see Ashton reaching over to the table beside his bed to grab the glass of water. I rushed to his side to grab it for him. He moved his hand away and looked at Tyler. Tyler came in and grabbed the glass from me, giving it to him.

"Ash, do you not remember her?" He shook his head once again. "She's been your best friend for years."

"I don't remember her Tyler. I don't recognize her. I'm sure if I knew her, I'd remember."

"But she's the girl you've known your whole life, and the girl you fell in love with."

"Wha-what'd you just say?" I look at Luke.

"You heard me. Elena, Ashton's in love with you."

"How can I be in love with someone I don't even know?"

"Because she's not just 'someone' she's your best friend and soulmate." Ashley spoke. "You've never left her side and nor has she ever left yours."

"I truly don't remember her, and I want to, I want to remember who she is, but I don't. So stop. My head hurts from all this. What the hell even happened to me? Why am I on this bed and in so much pain?"

"What's the last thing you remember?" Tyler asked.

"Just hanging out at the mall with Maria." I felt as though a gust of wind had been sucked out of me.

"So you don't remember the fact you were shot or anything?"

"I was WHAT!"

"El, go get a doctor, Quick!" Tyler insisted as he tried calming Ashton. I ran over to the desk and told the nurse to go get the doctor ASAP as Ashton had awoken and has no recollection of the events or me. She came running back with the doctor and stormed right into the room. I watched from afar, because I was afraid if I went in something would happen. Emmalee came out of the room to assure me he'd eventually remember me, and I prayed deep down she was right.

OKAYYYYYY so this has been getting more and more intense! Let me know what you think in the comments below, is Ashton going to remember Elena and remember the love he felt for her, or will he isolate her from his life? Will he ever regain his memory?

That's all I have for now! Be sure to let me know what you think is going to happen next! Please like and share.

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