Ashton's P.O.V

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I wonder who this boy is that Elena was talking about. How can he hurt such a beautiful, amazing, talented girl like her? What kind of jerk would do that? why?

I wish I knew who he was, so I could tell him. Elena is the most beautiful girl I have ever met, yeah she can be annoying at times, but at heart, she's very sweet.

I remember this one time I had a huge cut on my palm, and I was bleeding very badly. Elena came running to my side, she bet down, ripped a little but of her dress and wrapped it on my palm, to stop a little bit of the bleeding. I don't even remember what happened, except that I had gotten into a fight for Elena, some guy was bugging her.

So as she bent down, she looked terrified, I don't know what it is about that girl, but to be honest, she's really sweet!

I can't love her, and I know I don't because I'm in love with Maria, I hope I am.

Elena is one out of a million! she's very special, in every way.

So as I was telling you about story, where were we? ah yes, we were at the part where she's wrapping my hand with a piece ripped from her dress.

So she wrapped on my hand, quickly called my mother, Julia.

She picked us up and took me to the hospital. I remember how terrified Elena was, ik had a black eye, my left hand was in a bandage, my right hands knuckles were bleeding, my knees were scrapped, and Elena was crying. She always cries when me or one of her friend get hurt.

I remember that for a whole week, she took care of me, along with my mother. Elena cooked, washed my clothes, fed me, she did almost everything a mother does for her child.

She treated me like I was her boyfriend.

She's beautiful! honestly who ever that jerk is, that hurt her, I will beat him up. Elena deserves happiness. She's been through enough hell already. I can't see her upset again, not the same way I saw her after both her parents left this world.

I still know that her parents, who also treated me like their child, are always going to be watching over Us.

When Elena laughed today, after 4 years, I felt happy. I kissed her laughs, she hardly ever comes out of her room and at school she's always afraid to walk down the hallways, she hardly talks to anyone at school. Yet she's an A+ student

I miss the old her.

I miss her smiles.

Her laughs.

Mostly I miss her small talks, and her hugs, and the way she used to gently kiss my cheek.

I miss Her.

I look at Elena sleeping in the car. She's so cute, especially when her lips are apart, and her hair is falling In front of her face. she's adorable!

I was driving us back home from the beach, Elena was sleeping in the car, lightly snoring.

I stopped at the red light, and slowly moved her hair behind her ear, closed her mouth, and softly kissed her on the forehead.

I finally reached home, but I wasn't wanting to wake her up. She looked so calm, and innocent sleeping.

I picked her up out of the car and carried her inside her house, I lay her on the bed, and just as I was about to leave, she grabbed my arm.

"Please don't leave me. I don't want to be by myself at home. please stay?" she asked in her sleepy voice. I nod my head, and lay down beside her.

She hugged me and fell asleep.

I'm still awake, wondering who I really love by heart. Elena, or Maria?

Maria is beautiful, really beautiful, but I can't say she's more prettier than Elena cause she's not.

Maria is also very kind, but sometimes she can be a bitch.

Yes I love her, I really do, but I don't know what it is about Elena. when I'm around her I feel safe. I feel protected.

I still remember the wordings Elena said in the morning.

A: "Wow, your protective."

El: "well shouldn't i be? I'm in... I'm your Bestfriend."

I feel like my world only revolves around her. It's like she's my world, but she's not. Maria is. Maria is my only world, I love her, by heart.

I can't be in love with Elena... could I be in love with my own best friend?

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