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We sat in the car, waiting for Kayden to walk out of the house so we could see what his moves would be. In the meantime, Harry and I got reacquainted, although my focus was elsewhere. I could not focus on the conversation since my mind was back home with Luke guys. I was worried about what if Maria had escaped or what if there was another person that Maria had hired. Time was running out, we only had another 2 hours to catch this person.

15 minutes had passed by before Kayden had walked out wearing that same long black coat and hat I had seen when he was talking to Maria. He walked to his white CLA 250 with tinted windows. He looked around before sitting down inside the car, and we carefully followed him.

********** ELENA **********

The massage had taken an hour, but it left me feeling super relaxed. I opened my phone after having put on my clothes and having thanked the girl who had given me a massage. I texted Emmalee to see where her and Josh are. In the meantime, I was given a new card with by the girl.

Feeling relaxed? Wonderful. Time for a makeover.

Makeover? 'Makeup shop!' The girl just smiled at me and nodded. I smiled back. And walked out the shop where Emmalee and Josh were waiting for me.

"Ready for the next stop?"

"What do I need a makeover for? I look fine."

"No questions missy. Just get walking! We're almost done." Without hesitation I walked down the mall to the make-up shop.

"Welcome. You must be Elena." A girl with pink highlights greeted us.

"Hi." I said nervously.

"Take a seat love. We'll get started right away."

"Sure." I look at Emmalee, and she just gave me a nudge.

"Go." She whispered. And so I did. I sat down in the chair. 

"What is it that you're looking to get done?" Before I even had a chance, Emmalee pulled out her phone and showed the girl a picture. "Got it." And soon she laid her brushes out with a bunch of palettes and began to work on my eyebrows.

******** ASHTON ******

Everything was ready. Only thing left to do was for me to get dressed. So I headed on upstairs telling Selena and Ashley they should get changed up to. As I walked into the house, I didn't see Josh and Chase, and it was far too quiet. Normally Maria's always up my neck. Something didn't seem right. I decided to take a look for them, and see if Maria was up to anything new.

I headed on upstairs after having checked all the rooms downstairs. I knocked on each door before entering. The last one was Tylers. I knocked and as soon as I was about to open the door Chase popped on outside.

"Whats up dude!" He said looking nervously at me, I look at him confused.

"Whats going on?"

"Oh never you mind that. Are the decorations in place?"

"ya, everythings set up. What are you doing in Tylers room?"

"Oh that, we're planning something for you and Elena. We'll tell you about it tonight."

"Come on, just tell me now."

"No. It'll be spoiled. Whats the point of a surprise if it gets ruined?" He says with a nervous smile.

"Move." i said not believing what he had to say to me

"Ashton you really don't want that."

"I said move Chase."


"Move!" I say a little more aggressively. He stands in front of the door trying to guard it. "MOVE!"

"Ashton, just. Go get dressed!"

" I am not leaving here until I know what's going on. If you guys had to work on a surprise why isn't it in my room? Why in Tylers? Hmm? I'm not stupid. Now move!"

"NO. I CAN'T."

"Chase. I am warning you. get the hell out of my way!"

"You don't understand."

"Fine. Where's Tyler. I wanna speak to him."

"You. You can't."

"Why not?"

"He's gone out."

"Out? that's it!" I pushed Chase aside and barged into the room. And to my surprise, Maria was tied down and knocked out. Luke jumped up from the bed. "What..." I look at them in shock. "What the hells this!"

"We'll explain everything just get in and shut the door."

********* TYLER ********

We landed at some isolated area with broken down buildings. We slowly pulled in and parked behind a crane so the car wouldn't be seen. Then Harry and I got out of the car and walked careful towards where Kayden was meeting up with someone else. Another guy. We hid behind another crane, closer to them.

"Maria really did hire more than one person for this." I whisper looking at Harry.

"That's fucked up man."

"But why would she hire someone else?"

"Kayden can't be the one who gets caught that's why."

"Okay, but this is also Kayden's person."

"Look carefully he's wearing a mask to not be recognized dude." I look at him more intently. He really was fully covered so that he wouldn't be recognized. "Makes sense that there's a second person involved. Maria is playing smart. If Kayden gets caught, she would too. So she's gotten a third person involved who doesn't know her and who doesn't know Kayden's identity." Kayden hands the other person the envelope. The same envelope Maria had given him. I accidentally kicked the rod beneath my feet, which hit the crane and made a bang sound.

"WHOS THERE!" Kayden shouted and they both pulled out their guns. Harry and I just froze up. Not making a peep.

"Must've been a cat or something." The other guy says.

"Just get on the move." kayden said and the person disappeared. Harry and I couldn't even follow the person because Kayden was still there. He finally walked back to his car after a good two minutes. In the meantime I pulled out and called Chase.

'Listen to me very carefully..." and I went on explaining what just happened. 'Ashton bet-'

'Ashton already knows.' Ashton spoke from behind the phone. 'Tyler get out of there and get home immediately.'

'We need to find Kayden and this other person'

'Tyler listen to me. You trying to be a hero isn't something you need to be doing. Just call the cops.'

'They aren't going to help. Look I know I have done you wrong. Just let me fix this.'

'Ty-' I hung up and put my phone on silent.

"Lets go Harry. We need to get to Kayden."

"And do what?"

"Get that persons whereabouts"

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Just get in the car." I turned the car around and headed back to Kaydens place. I parked the car outside his house. "Listen to me. If I'm not back in 2 minutes call the cops." Harry sat there looking at me nervously and nodded his head.

I got out of the car, and with all the strength made it to Kaydens house. I knocked on the door. He opened the door.

"Ty Ty!" He hugs me and pulled me into the house.


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