Off We Go (P2)

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Finally, we had arrived at the beach house. Everyone was eager to get out of the limo and head into the water for a quick swim, of course, that would be once they'd changed. Once the limo came to a complete stop, everyone jumped out of the vehicle.

"I can't believe we're here!" Selena squealed jumping up and down with joy.

"Are you guys always this hyper?" I ask sarcastically.

"No. We're just super excited about the trip, no one is usually this hyper and you know that Ash."

"Sure," I responded.

Just as all of us were running down to the beach, Tyler called out to us from the house. We all immediately stopped and turned to face him.

"Heading to the beach already?"


"Don't you guys wanna have a quick snack and change before heading down there?" I look around for a response, they all just gave me the shoulder look.

"Nah, no one seems to be hungry. Maybe later." I could see him staring directly at Elena.

"Okay. Oh and Maria is down at the beach too make sure you gu-"

"Did you just say Maria!? As in Maria MY EX-GIRLFRIEND!?"

"Ash, I'm sure it's not your ex-girlfriend," Elena assures me.

"Yea maybe I'm just being paranoid."

"Or maybe you're not," Chase points out towards the figure that was walking towards us. It was none other than my ex-girlfriend. I stood there frozen. Looking at her as she approached us. Thoughts began to run through my mind as she got closer and closer to us.
'why her? why of all the people does my brother have to date her!'
'Maybe because he wants to piss you off.'
'Or Maybe Maria wants to ruin Elena's birthday.'
'Why would she want to do that.'
'Hello, have you forgotten how much she hates her! She practically blames her for your breakup.'

"Ashton, nice to see you." She smirked from a foot away. I turned my head the other way immediately because I knew if I even glance at her I might end up knocking her to the ground. "Aren't you going to say hi back hon."

"Not even in your dreams." I snicker.

"Oh come on. You and I both know I only did what I did to keep us together."

"NO, you did what you had to because you wanted to destroy us and make me miserable. Well sorry to burst your bubble Maria, but unlike your friends, my friends stand by me, even if I am wrong. You pay people to be friends with you."

"That is not true and you know it!"

"Do I really?" I ask angrily.

"Yes. You know I don't pay people to be friends with me." Her tone was shaky, and her forehead was sweaty. Anyone could easily tell she was lying.

"Oh Please," Emmalee hissed from behind. "Just shut up with your bullshit."

"Who the hell are you to speak? I'm having a conversation with Ashton. Not you."

"I don't care. He's our friend! We will protect him. Stop trying to pin him down and wrestle you for everything. Just get out of his sight."

"Or what? Elena will kick my ass?" She chuckles, "We all know the wuss she is. She can't do shit."

"Watch it Maria!" Emmalee glares at her dead in the eye. Maria ignored her completely and walked straight over to Elena.

"Hello Elena."

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