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I followed her to this abandoned parking lot. It was dark and empty. I turned off the headlights before entering inside so that Maria wouldn't know I was following her. I parked the car outside on the street rather than inside the empty parking lot just to be on the safe side.

I walk inside the dark, empty, and extremely creepy building. I hear people talking and of course I followed the voices. I hid behind a pillar that was only one down from where Maria had parked her car.

"You better get the job done! Or I will end you. Do I make myself clear?" The man nodded his head.

"When do you want this done?"

"Tonight while she's walking towards the gazeebo. The location, picture and money are in this envelope." She hands him the package containing all the information about this person. But what was she about to get done? "You better not mess this up!" He nodded, taking the package and fleeing the scene. She stood there a moment before speaking. "Finally, I will win! Everything. having Elena out of the way is EXACTLY what I need to do! With her gone, Ashton will have no one to turn to!" She chuckled as she walked back to her car.

I stayed hidden behind the pillar until Maria fled the scene. Once she left I walked back to my car sat down and let my mind wander.

My brother was right all along.
She really is a bitch.

How can she steep so low. to commit a crime like this.

I have to do something.

I have to save Elena. But who will trust me after I took sides with Maria over everything.

I started up the car and drove back to the house. While driving back to the house, I kept thinking about what I could do to prevent Maria from committing this crime.

I pulled up on the driveway shortly after Maria. I walked into the house and straight to my room. Dodging everyone I possibly could. I needed time alone to think how I could avoid all this.

I was in the back setting up the gazebo with roses, lights, and bunch of other decorations. When I saw Tyler walk in the house silently. He seemed distracted. Normally he's rolling his eyes at me cause of how I treat Maria. Something seemed quite off about the way he was acting.

"I'll be right back. You guys keep decorating." I left the backyard and went inside the house and up to Tylers room. I knocked on the door before entering inside. Tyler was sitting on the bed. Lost in some deep thoughts. He hadn't even noticed me walk in. "You okay?" I asked as I stepped into the room. No response. I sat down beside him placing a hand on his shoulder. That seemed to snap him out of his thoughts. "Are you good?" He just nodded and stood up and moved away. "Tyler?"

"What Ashton? What do you want?"

"What the hells the matter with you? Did Maria say something?" He just went silent. No response again. Just starring out the window. "TYLER!" I shout.

"Just leave me alone Ashton."

"Fine!" As I exit the room I run into Maria.

"Hey doll." She says running her fingers along my jawline.

"Get the hell away from me." I say pushing her hand aside as I walk past her.

"You can't push me aside forever Ashton! You will soon be mine. I can promi-"

"Just shut up Maria! SHUT THE FUCK UP! You ungrateful piece of shit!" Tyler bursted from behind the door of his room. He swung the door open and came out. I was standing in the stairs. Surprised at his reaction, I almost slipped and fell down the stairs. Usually he's always protecting her. Coddling her. But this was new.

I Fell In Love With My BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now