The Office Trip

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Sure we walked into the classroom like it was no big deal, but we got in trouble. All of us were sitting in the principals office, waiting for what was going to happen.

"What do you thinks going to happen to us now?" Luke asks.

"I don't know! maybe get a call home or clean up the school for the next week or get suspended!" Ashley says.

"No that won't happen." A says.

"Really and how do you know for sure?"

"Believe it Emm that will not happen."

"Yeah right! Douche." Emm smacks him on the head.

"Ow what was that for!?"

"For you being a jerk."

We all burst out laughing while Emm and Ash continued fighting.

"Come on in." Said Mr. Simons. We all fell silent as soon as we were in his room. All of our faces blank, we looked at each other, afraid of what was about to happen.

"So I suppose you are the 8 students who were an hour late."

"Yes well that was because of the traffic, and well we stopped for breakfast on the way." Selena blurted out. She can't keep her god damn mouth shut, if she has to say something, she'll blurt it out. Well lets just say, she doesn't talk at all. Usually we forget that she's even there and when she starts talking, she goes full on! Once all of us put peer pressure on her to talk to us and man the way she blew up!

"Ah okay, so you stopped on the way. Well lucky for you, you are not in trouble."

"Oh thank god! I've never had detention or anything before." Selena says.

"Yes I can see that all of you are either top A or B students. That is why, I was hoping if you all could tutor?"

"You mean at the school?" i ask.

"Well yes. After school."

"It's not a bad idea. Wait so we do get credits right?"

"Of course!"

"Well then you can count me and my group in." I say with a smile. Emmalee looks at me with -are-you-serious? Well hell ya I am!

We walk out of the principal's office it was already lunch.

"You couldn't have said no?" Ash says with a frown.

"No, plus we get credits, We need to get as many before the grad."

"Oh right, i totally forgot about that."

"How can you forget something like grad!" Ashley says surprised.

"Well hey it's like whatever 10 months from now? So why the hell should I care?"

"Oh right, I bet you forgot about prom as well."

"What...pfft no."

"Ha i knew it! Wow genius! Well if you can't be at grad you can't be at the prom, with your girlfr-"

"Can we stop talking about this stuff? please?" I ask calmy.

"El why don't we leave them alone?" Selena suggests.

"Good idea." Me and Selena walk away from the gang.

"So what's up with you anyway?"

"Well... uh... I-"

"You're crushing on Ashton!? O my gosh! He's a jerk if he hasn't realized that you like him, and his girlfriend she's the worst nightmare of my entire life! She and I used to be friends, until i don't know what happened she just stopped calling me."

"Is that how big of a b***** she is?"


"wow, well I don't care, as long as he's happy that's all that matters right?"

"No, not really... What about you? You're hurting, but your willing to give up your own happiness for the one you love. You're probably the first girl I've known who gives up her happiness for others."

"Well that's all that matters to me. I can't see anyone upset. You know that very well Sel."

"Yup, I remember when you saved this kid who was walking across the road. He didn't even see the cars coming, and you saved his life. How can you manage to have a smile through all the pain El? How?"

"I guess I just started to live within the pain, I forgot about the horrible things going on around me. all i think bout are positive things."

"Yet you always wear that beautiful smile, even with all the pain, I'm so proud of you El!"

"Yeah m-me to." I flash her a smile. What no one's ever known about me is I cut myself. I've never told anyone, the reason is, I can't see my friends upset, and I am not doing this for attention that's what most people think, which I hate the most! We hurt ourselves to hide the pain, forget about all the horrible things happening to us. I know it's not good to be cutting myself, and I'm trying to stop.

Just then Ash and Luke pulled me away from Sel. I wonder why? Chase and Josh were whispering something in Selena's ear. I wonder what.

"What's going on?" I ask them with my cute puppy face.

"umm... Uh... I don't know."

"Come one Luke tell me!"

"We actually don't know, they only told us to distract you." Ash replies.


"Yeah." I was stuck with these two while the others were with Selena sounds like they were planning something.

"Come on one of you tow know what they're talking about! Is it a plan for something?"

"We don't know, honestly El!" Luke says.

"Fine." I say walking away. Ash grabs me by the waist and pulls me back.

"Oh no, you aren't allowed to go anywhere! ME and Luke are sent here to keep an eye on you."

"Well i don't care i need to got get something to eat, either you can come with me or let me go a lone."

"Oh we are coming with you." Luke instantly fires back.

"Okay grumpy pants."

We walked down to the car Ash took the car keys from he, he refused when I said I'm driving. I wonder what was going on.

Did they tell him!

Oh no that's not good.

obviously not! what am i going to do if he knows!

I don't know! Damn I'm trapped.

I look at Ashton, he was all calm, it didn't seem like they told him. Well nah they couldn't have, I'm only stuck in the friend zone. yeah that's all we are going to be. FRIENDS.

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