Good Morning To You

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Me and Josh woke up at the same time, we were both only a 2 centimetres away from each other, if even one of us moved a little, we would end up kissing each other, we both look at each other, I could feel his breath right on my face. I move back a little until we could see each other properly.

"That was awkward." I say in a steady but shaky voice.

"Yeah that was r-really awkward." Said Josh. I looked at him and he had his face turned away. HE WAS BLUSHING!

"OH MY GOSH! JOSH WILSON! ARE YOU BLUSHING!?" I ask with a little sarcasm.

"I-I... what pfft! NO!" He says running his hand through his hair.

"You little cheap ass liar!" I say moving closer to him. "You actually found that cute!"

"Well I uh I kinda uh yeah I did okay! I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time, but I never told you beca-"

"ELENA!" Yelled Emmalee from downstairs. "GET DOWN HERE NOW!" I got up and ran downstairs to see why Emm was yelling at the top of her lungs, BECAUSE CHASE AND ASHTON WERE MAKING A MESS IN THE KITCHEN AGAIN! GRRR THESE TWO CRACK HEADED JERKS!

"I TOLD YOU TO NOT MAKE A MESS IN MY KITCHEN BUT WHAT DO YOU DO? YOU MAKE A MESS! I AM GONNA KILL THE TWO OF YOU!" I grab two slippers one in both hands as I started chasing both of them they both fell to the ground laughing, I threw the slippers away and punched both of them hard on their arm.

"You egg heads! Next time you make a mess in my kitchen, I will make the two of you wash my whole house, and by that I mean: The drive way, all the inside of my house, the windows from inside and out, and the lawn, got it!?" I say screaming at them, as they were laughing and wincing in pain.

"El, you punch way too hard! I think I broke a bone." Chase says.

"Good cause you deserved that. Now the two of you will go back inside and clean up the kitchen, I am going to go get ready, and by the time I come downstairs, the kitchen should as clean as it did yesterday before I went to bed."

"Yes madam." Both of them say at the same time.

I walk back inside, up to my room, where Josh was still sitting, and thinking about something. I rummage through my drawers to find something to wear.

"How about that favourite pink and orange netted shirt with your favourite jeans? I like that outfit." Josh says.

"Uh okay... " I say grabbing the two things and running into the bathroom to change, I quickly change and come out, only to find Josh in his boxers and a tank-top.

"Is that what you're going to wear to school?"


"okay then. Oh by the way what were you trying to tell me before I went downstairs to deal with the two egg heads."

"Nothing, I... uh... I... was going to say that your pretty." Something about his face expression tells me that was not the full story.

"okay." We both walk downstairs, I look around the kitchen, it was spotless, no mess.

"Good! There's nothing on the counters." I say smiling at the two idiots, who love making a mess in my house.

"Jesus guys, why can't you make a mess in your own house? huh?" Emm asks. "By the way, you did a good job punching the two of them, they deserved it, douches."

"yeah they totally deserved it." Says Luke.

"I know right guys!" Ashley says. Luke and Ashley are the two most quietest ones we know, well usually they are the quiet ones, but once they start talking they don't shut up!

"Yo Emmalee, wanna go watch a movie?'

"Sure Luke."

"Hey what about the rest of us? Arent we invited?" Ashley asks.

"NO not really."

"Why is it a 'date'?" Ashley asks.

"well it was... uh... supposed to be, but thanks a lot for ruining it!" Luke says running his hand through his hair, and looking down while blushing. Is it me, or do almost all the guys run their hands through their hair when they're nervous, nah it's just me.

"Aw Luke!" Emmalee says planting her lips on Luke's.

"EWWWWW!" The rest of us say at the same time.

"Aw look at the two of them blushing." Chase says, I smack his shoulder, "Yeah okay, you don't need to smack me all the time El."

"really? Then maybe you should learn some manners Chase." I say as I run outside, cause he was chasing me. Both of us fell down on the grass, and we burst out laughing, the dirt was all over the two of us.

"God what to do about the two of you." Emm says all furious. When she's furious, no one should go near her. Both of us shut up, and run inside, we hide in my room, and lock the door. I run back into my closet and find a tank-top that says swag, with leggings, I took a quick shower before I threw them on. I look for something Chase could wear, I had his old teams jersey, I gave it to him, he took a quick shower and then he threw it on, both of us walked outside looking fresh. Emmalee was waiting for the two of us. We both run outside and get in the car. Neither of us saying a word until we sat down, all of us burst out laughing, including Emm.

We arrived at school 1 hour late, we grabbed breakfast on the way, he don't judge, I get hungry jesus people.

We walked into class, like we were just on time. Like We are the BOSS!

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