Elena's point of view

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Ash and i were so close to kissing, i didn't kiss him cause of his girlfriend, as much as i wanted to kiss those soft pink lips of his, i stopped myself, for him.

I've known him since childhood, we've become really good friends, but over the years, as i got to know him, ive developed strong feelins for him, and i can't do anything about it. It's been 6 years, and everyday i fall deeper, I can't resist him, hes so sexy. every girl practically drools over him. its like seriously just give him some space, he has a girlfriend.

Yeah i love him, but he has a girlfriend, and he sees me as his bestfriend, nothing more, nothing less. I really wish he new how i felt. I cant tell him cause i don't want to hurt him, and he wouldn't understand me, so there's no point.

Sometimes i look back to the time when me and him hun out, only the two of us, in the park fooling around, chasing each other, tackling each other down on the ground, tickling, those memories from 2 years ago, are like treasure, in my heart and mind, he may not know how much i love him, but i do. Those times we spent together, were the most amazing times of my life, to him it may just feel as if we are two bestfriends hanging together having fun, but for me, its more than that.

i love the way he snores slightly in his sleep, i love lookin into his eyes, those blue eyes, that pour into mine, his pink lips, his smile, his perfect abbs, his hair. Everything about him is perfect. I love him, Ashton James Warner, even the name suits him.

Ashton James Warner, Ashton James warner, Asht- I was brought back to reality by Ashton, he was lying down beside me. Me and A have done this many times but now it feels... well different. He was lightly snoring, i smiled. He wrapped his arm around my waist and snuggled in closer, until his chin was resting on my shoulder.

I had this urge of kissing him, but i couldn't do that, cause i love him, and his happiness matters more to me, than my own. he's perfect, any girl that's with him is lucky to have him in her life. She better not hurt him!

Sometimes i worry, that Maria will hurt him, and she better not, cause he's very special, to me. I can never see him upset, i start to worry.

Isn't love all about the other persons happiness? All about how much you want to protect him/her? I guess i don't really know, but what i do know is, i want him to be happy, and safe, i want what's best for him. If Maria... ugh i hate taking her name, i just want to... grrr... anyway, if she's the one he loves, then i might as well let him stay with her.

I know i get hurt when he talks about her, or when ever i see him kissing her, it hurts so bad! I just feel like ripping my heart out and saying 'here you can keep it. thank you for the broken heart, thank you for the tears, thank you for the scars.'

i just don't get why i'm so afriad to tell him how much i love him. Plenty of girls have said it, including you know who, and then there's me, hugging a tree, not telling Ashton about my true feelings for him. How do i plan on telling that? i have no idea. im so lost. Everytime i'm around him, im just thinking about kissing him, running my hands through his hair, while his hands are wrapped around ,y waist. I guess that will never happen, not in this life time.

He started to talk in his sleep, I couldn't help but giggle.

"El, stop it! that's mine! Oh no don't tickle me! Elena stop!" i burried my face in the pillow from preventing on laughing at him.

"O.M.G. Elena! Stop! If you don't I will kiss you!" at that i instantly stopped giggling, and lookede at his face. He woke up and sat up. My face was burning up.

I don't get why he would be thinking about me while sleepin. He should be thinking about his girlfriend not me.

"Were you awake?" Ashton asked me.

"Umm yeah, for a while now."

"did you hear me... say... anything?" he asked with a hint of smirk.

"umm... No... I mean... yes... Maybe."

"So you heard me...?"

"Yes i heard you say you're gonna kiss me if i don't stop tickling you." I quickly out my hands infront my my mouth, and my eyes widened.

What did i just do!

you told him the truth

that wasn't supposed to happen


"i'm sorry," i mumble.

"no it's okay... but umm, that was a little awkward." I nod my head in agreement, that was really awkward.

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